Chapter three

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Ririka's P.O.V*

I thanked Mary for letting me stay with her for a while. She is so kind and deeply cares about people, I feel safe with I'm with her. I feel free, her eyes are just like the sunset bright orange/yellow ish. I'd never thought that I could ever have a friend like her 'Friend huh? is that really all I am to her, a friend?' I thought. If I did something wrong or said something stupid she never got mad at me. All I want to do is be with her. What is this feeling?

When I arrived at Mary's she stood at the entrance waiting to welcome me. I came up to her and hugged her tightly and thanked her again while blushing hard. I then let go of her even tho I didn't want to. She held my hand making me blush while leading me into the living room. ''Want anything to drink?'' Mary asked in a calm tone. ''S-sure'' I stumbled. I looked around everywhere in the living room. everything was so new to me, Mary came with two glass of waters with ice and gave one to me ''It's almost dinner time, you hungry? There's few restaurant down the block if you wanna go there but if you're not comfortable I can cook something for you'' Mary asked. ''Oh ermm... it doesn't matter'' I said while blushing ''Oh, okay then I'll cook something for you alright?'' she said ''S-sure'' I said ''Oh I almost forgot, let me show you you're room. you're room will be next to mine'' she said while pointing out where my room ''By the way, here's the bathroom and if there's anything you need you can just knock on my door'' she said smiling. ''anyways I'll go cook something for you, anything special you like to eat?'' she asked ''No, anything is fine'' I said while blushing. I sat on my bed and looked around. Everything is so different from home.

I laid down on my bed while watching YourTube, some time had past and suddenly I heard a knock on my door, I stood up and went and open, Mary told me that the dinner was done she went down to the kitchen. When I came down she gave me a bowl of rice along with some vegetables and beef, I thanked her as I sat down and started to eat. It was delicious! a so simple meal but so done well! ''Is it good'' Mary asked with rice stuffed in her mouth ''Yes'' I said while eating my veggies. When I finished I washed my plate I went to the living room to watch some tv before I go to bed, Mary came too and sat beside me. ''You know, you can always stay here with me if you want, I'm always here for you and always will'' she said with a smile on her face while blushing, I looked at her and then looked down ''O-Oh erm I'm sorry, I didn't mean to push you or anything, its totally up to you what you want and decide'' she said blushing even harder than before. 'She's so cute when she's blushing' I thought. ''Well there is one thing that I want'' I said shyly while looking down ''Oh, okay. what is it'' she said being curious. ''U-urm c-c-can I- e-eh'' I stumble ''Ririka you okay?'' she asked being concerned, I kept on looking down''Hello?..... Ririka?..... you there? Earth to Ririka'' she said while tilting and waving her hand infront off me.

I then jump into her and leaped my arms around her neck and hugging her tight while sitting on her lap. I didn't want to let go of her, Mary seemed aback at first but didn't hold back and hugged me tight, She was warm. I could hear her heart beat. She held me close to her, I never wanted this moment to pass by. Mary backed a bit a looked at me and said ''Is that what you wanted'' with a smile on her face, I nodded and said ''Yes'' while blushing. At that moment something sparkled inside me, it was hot, actually no. it was burning hot. my intention was to kiss her, I tried to pull myself together but I just couldn't, it was something about her eyes that just sucked me in, I couldn't hold it in anything and leaned forward when I was then cut my Mary, she said ''We should go to bed now its 9:30'' while blushing. I then quickly got up and I was totally embarrassed of what just happen ''Uhh yea your right'' I said while looking all embarrassed. I went to my room and Mary to her. When I was about to close the door Mary yelled softly ''Good night Ririka'' she said with a smile om her face ''Yea, good night Mary'' I said while blushing.

I changed into pajamas and laid on my bed. I stared at the ceiling still trying to think what I was trying to do back there. Was I really about to kiss her?. My head hurts from all the thinking and thoughts. I quickly brushed that off and dozed off

Mary's P.O.V*

I laid down in my bed trying to process what just happen. Was Ririka about to kiss me? Nah, maybe I'm just imagining things, but could it really be that bad kissing your friend? last thing I thought about was Ririka and her smile before I dozed off.

I woke up feeling okay. I got up and went to knock on Ririka's door, She didn't seem to answer so I slowly open the door and saw Ririka laying there, she was so cute while sleeping. her body all relaxed no tense or anything. I was about to wake up Ririka but instead I went down to the kitchen making me and Ririka some breakfast, when it was done I heard a door close from upstairs almost making me drop my chopsticks. Down came Ririka yawning and scratching her eye ''Good morning, did you sleep well?'' I asked her. She nodded while grabbing a bowl of soup. ''Good to know'' I said while sitting down and drinking my soup. ''So hey, I thought that we could maybe go out and try one of these new restaurant just around the block, what do you say?'' She looked at me and said ''Sure'' while blushing. After we ate we both went up to get our selves ready for school, I locked the door and we started to walk, as we came closer to the school I saw Ririka put her mask on adjusting her robotic voice, it made me sad in a way. Time passed and the school was over. I waited at the entrance for Ririka to come, when she came we started walking home. When we arrived at home I dropped my bag on the floor feeling completely dead cuz I was so tired, i went to the living room to watch some tv while Ririka went upstairs to her room.

time flew by and it was already 5pm. I went upstairs and knocked on Ririka's door, she open the door and I told her that we're going to for dinner, she nodded and got herself ready. I went back to my room and changed myself into some ripped jeans with a baby blue hoodie and brushed my hair. When I went down I saw Ririka already done. She looked so pretty. She had dark blue jeans on with a white blouse. ''You look good'' she said while blushing making me blush to ''You don't look bad yourself'' I said turning crimson red ''Anyways ready to go?'' I asked, She nodded. I took out my keys and locked the door walking our way to sushi restaurant near my house. It was like 5-10 minutes away it went by pretty quick. When we came there we ordered a table for two and the waitress led us to a table giving us a menu of lots of foods to choose between. When the waitress came to ask what we wanted I ordered California rolls and Ririka ordered salmon sashimi. When we were done we started to walk back home, while walking home I looked over to Ririka seeing that she's shivering and shaking, having a hard time to keep up. ''Hey you, are you okay? are you cold?'' I asked her being concerned, she looked at me with her puppy eyes and said ''I-I'm f-fine, just a bit c-cold'' while smiling. ''No wait, your more than just cold, here take my jacket. I don't want you to catch a cold'' I said while putting my jacket around her and holding her tight against me. She looked and me while blushing. ''Thank you'' she said while blushing like crazy.

When we got home I took of my shoes and hugged Ririka tight, Ririka didn't hesitate to hug me back ''I don't think you know how much I care about you, go upstairs and take a hot bath now before you catch a cold'' I said while blushing crimson red and smiling. Ririka was blushing like crazy and said ''Okay, thank you'' while blushing. ''Oh by the way I left you a towel on your bed'' I said while smiling and going to my room ''Okay, thanks'' she said rushing to her room and grabbing the towel. As I was about to close my door I saw Ririka in the bathroom pulling down her jeans, I quickly shut the door and laid on my bed watching YourTube.

After watching YourTube there was a small knock on my door, at first I was hesitant but then I yelled ''Come in!'' She open the door, she had her blanket with her and her hair was still wet from the bath. ''C-can I please come and l-lay down with y-you'' she said shyly while blushing. ''Yea, sure'' I said with my arms open. She laid down on the bed when he suddenly hugged me, I hugged her back and laid my chin on her head feeling comfortable, everything about this girl is just what I want. ''You're heart'' she said, ''My heart I said looking at her being confused ''I can hear your heart beating. It's beating really fast'' she said in a soft tone. 'Yea, if only you could know how much I like you, if not even love' I thought to myself. ''Oh really'' I chuckled ''Yea, you're warm as well. thank you for being there for me Mary'' she said while making me blush ''You mean a lot to me, I will never let you go. I'll always be by your side'' I said

''I love you'' she said and then dozed off, I was in shock for a minute. I laid my head over hers and hugging her tight making sure she's warm and never letting her go. ''I love you too Ririka'' I said with a soft smile on my face before dozing off

(Any thoughts on how the story is going so far? UwU)

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