Chapter nine: Its A Small World

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The NASA team wasn't waiting to see that the aliens could actually read and write in English! That is insane, and yet, the best discovery they could have made. Once they get the alien, they would easily be able to communicate with them.

On the top of the undergrounds, were the kids were waking up, getting ready to go to the treehouse. Once that they were correctly up, had eaten and warned the adults that they were going to be there, they headed in the direction of the woods.

Before all of that could happen though, they heard that the television was on, telling a rather creepy story to the whole world. warning about something that was dangerous. Since they were at Rick's home, they had access to a computer and a printer.

They printed the picture, terrified about the size of the thing in the space, close to their own planet. They hurried to the cabin, trying to talk to the alien about it, they may know about it. In the back, the two younger ones looked at each other, while running, hoping it wasn't what the alien explained a few days ago. Fearing the worst.

Once they had arrived at the treehouse, the three had a problem climbing the ladder, stressed about the alien and especially what was in the black void where the stars are. They opened the door a little to fast, scaring the alien that jumped to the wall, trying to hide, even though they could easily be seen, since they are purple.

Their clothes like armour, was green, with weird shorts that were yellow. A kind of triangle like shape that was at the upper body, protecting the base of the neck and the upper torso. The kids startled by all the sudden movements and the stress gave a small yelp of terror. They all got out of their small freak-out, before the kids started.

Rick was the first one to start " we don't know what is going on but, Ryan continued, we founded something that you should look at, Emily finished, that thing is big, so big, its like the moon!" The alien, confused asked what happen, that they should tell the whole story.

They were all at the meeting they had at Rick's house before heading to the treehouse, they wanted to get a super big sleepover ready. That is hard to get ready you know? So, back to the story, they were talking about the thing to get ready, the games and such. That is until the sister in the home yelled for the three to come see what was going on at the television.

The kids, curious about what the sister was yelling, she usually yells for Rick, not the three of them. They went into the living room, wishing that they didn't. They couldn't move, or even think, they merely watched what was going on in the screen. The local scientist were all freaking out, in the lab, has the reporter was present in the front of the camera.

It was all telling about something that was in space, something that looked like a meteorite, but that was way to clean and blue to be a actual rock. That is until they noticed movement around the circular thing in the black void of space.

That round thing was as big has the moon, that had four ovals, placed in a way like eyes, the top ovals were orange and the bottom ones yellow. That thing had countless tentacles, seeming to lead it to earth. They were purple and seemed made of liquid.

It looked like a huge beast from the worse nightmare of the one that is never scared. That mass was going to be the cause of multiple death, the destruction of the planet and the solar system. There is no telling where it would go, but right now it is said that it is heading for the planet they were all on.

They kept on telling that they didn't know what to do, what to say, or what predictions that could lead to a good ending for their solar system called milky-ways. That felt so wrong, that its not supposed to be here, not until later on.

"There, its what had happen" Rick, with an hint of stress in the voice, telling to the alien to explain, or tell that it was their intention all this time. Kill them all, that he trusted a liar, a killer. That is until the alien seemed terrified of the picture, staring at it unmoving. Until they heard a few words, they were telling a story, a true memory of what had happen to them.

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