Chapter eight: The War Behind Our Own

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The NASA was still looking for clues while the whole team work extremely hard to get at least a little information about the alien or their location, even about the other team that wanted the alien for their own power to be able to control the world.

They had gotten small but better than nothing clue about the alien's hidden place. They had hacked into the other's team mainframe, to see that they were trying to track the alien too. After debates, the team called the military team, for reinforcements. For a war that was soon to happen. They were now contacting the government for the accord of the action that was about to happen.

They decided to leave a message before leaving the mainframe of the other team, that message read 'would you all have the guts to fight over territory research for the things we are looking for?' They had to win the Jeprey territory and so, they got more effective for the battle of Jeprey, than the other ones. They had this feeling that was telling them that the said being was in the town, hidden in plain sight. They just had to win, they never had gotten that kind of feeling about something like that before.

On the other side of the screen, the hidden team know what person wrote that, it was the leader of the NASA team. They had gotten ready for those word for a long time now. They were getting ready to win the woods, they knew that the alien was there, they didn't wrote that in the system, question of safety. They had noticed that the alien was indeed in the woods. They saw it by their own human eyes, the most fearless of the soldiers were terrified of the size of the creature that they had to kill today. They can kill it to gain more and more power, to gain the control over the whole world. They had to win over the woods for sure.

At the start the fight were just in the informatics, nothing to serious. Over the time of the day that went on, it got progressively worse. to the point they had their fighting troops, fighting each other for research territory. That was a weird way of getting scientist territory but they did it like that. They decided to do violence, they though of that as the best choice over talking in this endless war. That war was now becoming an interstellar one now.

Those wars was to only become the start of something much more bigger over the time. making everyone fear more and more for the time being. The war was so strong that it got into the town. They all failed to notice the helicopter on top of them, filming them, warning the town to stay inside. The poor folks were crying, yelling to be spared in their own little houses. They didn't want their little domain to be terminated, they would have nowhere else to go to.

The government is getting more an more tired of the antics of the NASA team, working for the government. But at the news channel, it was said to be a gang war. They only watched and curious about the outcome of the fight. They wanted to know if their own defenses were good enough in a fight, they were still the newly recruited in the war zone.

For the higher people, it was more like an interesting movie than a international problem, that the world should be warned about. They of course, would have loved to have popcorn, to whatcha what was going on. It could be indeed a more powerful outcome for them. They had to keep it down though, so they got the police to intervene, only for the fight to have stopped before the police was there. That, in it's own way, confused the poor peace force that had just arrived at the scene. They didn't understand why they were left alone in the street. Even the body's of the perished ones were cleaned up. How in the world did they clean in five minutes?

The two kids woke up in the morning, to notice that the parent was still home, the woman looked worried for their safety. Stella told the two children that they couldn't go to the treehouse today, since military war was going out, lairing outside, in the woods. The kids were a little weary noticing that Clay called and asked where was his beloved son.

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