Chapter eight: The War Behind Our Own

Start from the beginning

The kids were terrified as a resonating boom was heard from the woods, not only for their safety, but for the safety of the alien. They shouldn't have brought the alien back at the treehouse. In the meanwhile, outside the war was ragging on getting more and more dangerous. Their friend was acting a little weird while getting in the woods that was maybe why...

The two military camps were fighting over the last part of land, the territory of Jeprey. The fight had cost so many life's in the fight. but in the end, the NASA military had won the small woods and the town for their research. They didn't know that they had won a part that was maybe important for later...

In another place, another war was ragging, though that time it was the hidden team that had won the endless battle. They didn't know that they had won countless research territory that served to nothing to them.

The war, that's all that Starslay can remember from the loss of her world. They were in the middle of a fight with the SOT-28, of course, they were loosing to them. The sound of explosion's sounded not that far away, war on the planet, no places to hide. That was the day that they lost their student. The beast not so far away, a yell sounding trough their receptors, they had to get to them!

They ran in-between the fallen warriors and the rotting body's of the SOT-28's. Even at their speed they couldn't have reached the child in training in time. Starslay only had the time to stop the beast from eating their power core. They were now running to the battlefield again. In the mean of eating, it's only to melt them and leave the empty shell that was empty of energy. The beast needed energy from the cube to survive, just like the whole Quantas.

They had arrived to a huge disaster, they were now a few ones left. That few was around three guards and themselves the poor other ranks hurt, melted. After that, they had walked in group, even though they were not that much. The war destroyed their home world. That pain, the loss was way to much for a young mate like Starslay. They had to endure so much while still being a poor little child in the hands of the war.

The sound of a distant yell could be heard, what was weird was that the sound yelled the name of the mate, no it cannot be possible, the guard's doesn't know their name. It was indeed a rule in their own world. The other ranks couldn't know of the name of the highest rank over them. So that they could all be respected. Starslay was an exception for the king and queen. Their student was an exception to the rank guard leader. That is the rules of their world. Thats not a memory, its Rick calling the alien to hide, they had come back to reality to notice that the explosions were not from memory, but real. The explosion was to close for comfort. The beast went in survival mode.

The first reaction of the alien was to run to the child, picking them up, to run into the cabin. The alien was covering the kid with its body incase that the war was brought to close, the child before their own life. Rick was a little uncomfortable by the hold that the alien was giving him, he remembered the last day. They don't want another death on their mind, so he let the alien protect them. The most weird thing for him is that he felt like his mother was protecting him. He felt at peace in the arms of the tall creature, even if they were placed in a uncomfortable position.

After what felt like hours, the alien released the kid, ":its safe now, the war is gone:" the kid surprised by the action and words of the alien stayed there. Before saying that he should get back home, to stop his sister from worrying over him. To be real he wanted to get away from the weird feeling of peace that had entered inside his mind. He war at war inside of his head, was the beast dangerous or were they not? Only he can answer that. That is the perception of one person of course. Every mind is defined, never the same, even for them, the mates.

Back at the house, Rick was called by the two kids running behind him, they hugged him, happy that he is safe and sound. They started to whisper to know if the alien was alright. Rick kept their conversation a secret, and told them that it was fine, to be cut off, that its not a object but a living being. He was happy that the weird feeling was gone, he will have to be more careful from now on. Especially around the alien that was doing something to him. But, it wasn't that bad really, he felt alot better after talking to them. They couldn't wait for the being to leave their planet.
He did know that his friend was missing their home.
Yeah, thinking of them as friends. That felt right to him, that felt normal. He still didn't get the feeling though. It is sure that his dad would have questions, but of course the work calls up to him first. He will forget about it, just like all the other times. That is at least what he hoped for since it would be even harder to lie and keep the tall being a great secret from his own father.

He cannot wait to know about the watch, he wanted to know why his father gave him something that was said to be so much important. There is yet to be told, yet to be announced to the world. Only, are we ready when the time will come? We are almost never ready for the pain. There is still so much that can be told. Yet here, it is a break for me. I do hope you understand that, dear. See you all later...

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