Chapter 8-Moon

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"Oh is that so?" I turned around and saw Winter smirking in the doorway of mine and Kinkajou's cave. I growled at him, Kinkajou hissed at him and Queen Thorn raised her tail barb. "Winter!" Kinkajou yelled, baring her fangs showing her venomous teeth, "What have you done with Qibli?"

I started having a headache, like all my emotions were changing, like I suddenly loved Winter and hated Qibli. "Relax fluffball, Qibli is fine," Winter said, "he's living his new love life with Umber cute couple aren't they?" He turned his head toward me, a fluttery feeling crept through me. My new love for him was making me walk toward him, I kissed him on the cheek and stood by him, loving this new feeling. Queen Thorn and Kinkajou both gasped.

"Moon, what is going on?" Kinkajou asked shocked, "why are you doing this? are you under a spell?" I looked at Kinkajou, what did was she talking about? Why would I be under a spell? 

"Yes," said Queen Thorn, "What is happening? I thought you loved Qibli, this isn't you, snap out of it!" Now it was really starting to get weird. "Why would I even think about loving Qibli? That sand-snorter never did anything for me." I said to both of them. "He never meant anything to me."

"Yup," said Kinkajou,"she's definitely under a spell. we gotta find Qibli before Winter does anything else to Moon and Qibli's relationship."  "Not so fast!" cried Winter as him and I walked out of the room. He closed the cave door and froze it shut with a blast of frostbreath." you're not going anywhere until Moon and I are married tomorrow." Those last words sounded like the best thing in the world to me and smiled up at him and kissed him, he kissed me back with a grin on his face as we walked down the hallways of Jade Mountain Academy together holding talon in talon.

(A/N I know another cliffhanger, will Qibli, Kinkajou, Thorn, and Umber be able to stop the wedding? Or are they already too late? I'll write more in the next chapter. Until then, see you guys later!)


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