Chapter 1- Qibli

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I was walking down the hall of Jade Mountain Academy when I heard yelling coming from the prey center and decided to check it out.

"How can you possibly love that freak?!" exclaimed Winter in a harsh voice, "when I'm the one you should love, Moon?" 

"I don't love you, Winter," cried Moon sounding upset, "I love Qibli with all my heart and there is nothing you can do to change that!!" I felt like my heart was going to burst. Did Moon actually love me? now Moon was starting to sound really upset and I wanted to do nothing but comfort her and be with her forever.  "Does Moon wish I was there to help her?" I thought to himself, "would that make her love me even more?" I worked up the nerve and stepped into the prey center. It took them a while to notice him over all the arguing but finally, Winter turned around and glared at me. 

"What are you doing here, Sandwing?" he hissed, " go back to our sleeping cave and don't come back until classes start!" Moon looked around and saw me and the joy that spread across her smile made my heart melt.

"Qibli!!" Moon shouted running across the room embracing me with her wings. 

I hugged her back while she whispered in my ear "I love you Qibli."

"I love you too,"  I whispered back as a smile spread across my face, she smiled back and we smiled at each other for a long moment feeling very sill while Winter sat on a stalactite hiding his feelings behind an ice-cold mask. Moon finally broke the silence and said " Want to go to the library and read some scrolls together?" I responded with a simple yes and we walked down to the library together leaving Winter in the prey center. In the library we found Turtle helping Kinkajou practice her writing, they glanced up at Moon and me, and Kinkajou smiled mischievously and whispered something to Turtle which made him smile as they went back to work. Moon picked out a scroll to read about hybrids and as I sat down ready to read the scroll to Moon she snuggled up next to me with her head on my shoulder and our tails entwined. halfway through the scroll Moon yawned and got closer to me. she nuzzled her snout on my neck as I finished reading and we both curled up together and fell asleep with our tails still entwined.

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