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Jungkook POV*

I was on Jin watch tonight - which basically consisted of making sure he was home from his party by his curfew.

The Kim parenting duo were out, and so was Yoongi, so that left me.

I was bored shitless. I had spent the next few hours since Jin left watching Netflix and eating leftover pizza from the fridge.


At around 11:50, I heard a car pull up. I looked out the window, and sure enough, there was Jin and his little friend Hoseok.

Jin got out of the car, only to be mauled by Hoseok who pretty much slammed him against the hood and started to make out with him.

I suddenly had to breathe very deeply because it was like all I could see was red.

And shit, Hoseok was handsy. One hand was on Jin's waist, and another was in his hair.

I grit my teeth, and held onto the sofa to stop myself from going out and turning on the porch light or the sprinklers and interrupting them because I was pretty sure Jin would hate me if I did.

Secretly, I had been hoping that he would have a shitty time with Hoseok, but the fact that Jin wasn't pushing Hoseok away proved that he was enjoying himself as much as Hoseok seemed to be.

Around 11:58, Hoseok finally detached his face from Jin's, and they hugged, and he said something, and Jin giggled like a fucking lovestruck teenager, which I guessed he felt like he was now. Fuck.

It made it even worse because I couldn't even be mad at Jin, or yell, or anything.

Because Jin wasn't mine. I had no real claim to him.

I had been jealous over my boyfriends before, of course, but never this much.

I looked away from the traumatizing scene and sat on the couch curling and uncurling my fists. At 12:00 am on the dot, I heard the door open and a giggle then a "bye" and then the door shut.

Jin walked into the kitchen and hanged around in there for a second then came out into the living room. His shoes were off and his hair was a bit messy. Jin was smiling and blushing and looked like he had just been man handled and it only pissed me off further that he had enjoyed it. Jin didn't even look like he knew what he was doing.

"Good night?" I gritted out. Jin jumped and I felt kind of bad. I mean, I was sitting in a completely dark house waiting for him to return home and Jin probably didn't even realize I was home.


"Jungkook! You scared me,"

I shrugged, my shitty attitude coming through. "I'm on Jin watch for your mom and dad."

"Well, it was exactly midnight when I came in," Jin smiled and sat next to me, and I noticed the huge parting of purple marks in his neck.

Jin saw me staring, and I thought I heard him cuss under his breath, but I couldn't be sure.

I was focusing on not doing anything... Irrational.

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