We Only See Each Other at Weddings and Funerals (Part 1)

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I was sitting in the room that I used to share with Klaus when we were kids...well, when he was a kid and I was still here. I was surprised to see my part of the room the same as I left it all those years ago. All my drawings, all my posters were there. Even the old teddy bear was still there. One would thought that with Klaus' nature all of the things would be already destroyed or something but no, they are still here. I walked over to my closet in search of some normal clothes because the uniform I was wearing was burned in some places. Luckily I used to go out with Klaus a lot sneaking some normal clothes into the house. 

After changing I flopped down on my bed, just staring up at the ceiling. The memories of when Klaus and I used to lay here like this and gossip to one another. Ah, those simple times. Well...for me, it is like yesterday but I guess for Klaus the memory isn't as fresh. Speak of the devil I could feel Klaus' presence in the house. 

"Diego I am telling you I missed you, man, honestly," I heard the voice of my twin brother. Obviously, it was much deeper than before but I just knew it was him. 

"Yeah, yeah, stop hugging me and just get lost," Diego's voice groaned and I can just imagine him pushing my twin as far away from him as possible. I heard their footsteps coming upstairs and in the hallway, they parted. Diego's heavier determined ones were leaving in the direction of the father's bedroom while Klaus' started to make their way into our room. He is coming here. Just a few seconds and I will be reunited with my twin after so many years apart. The doors were pushed open and my brother waltzed in. Now a lanky man with those relaxed green eyes. His curly hair messed up like always and his eccentric taste in clothing sticking out like it used to. He didn't change all that much. Oh, how I missed him. He took one look at me looking confused for a moment but then sighed and shook his head. 

"Took you long enough," He said rolling his eyes and continued towards his side of the room. Um...hello I have been gone sixteen years and all he says is this? I am disappointed.

"I was awaiting a more emotional welcome," I said standing up from my bed walking over to him.

"Come on Letty, I've been waiting sixteen years for you to contact me from dead and you came just now. When our father died? I mean good timing you came for the fun part but you could've called sooner." Klaus' voice was somewhere in between the mixture of anger and sadness. He laid down on his bed and stretched out there closing his eyes. 

"I couldn't because I ain't dead?" How am I supposed to explain to this idiot that I am standing here next to him and breathing?

"Of course you're not. That's why you still look like a little kid." I rolled my eyes at his comment. "Shut your gob, Ben," Klaus yelled into the air. His eyes opening and he glared at something behind me. He can speak with Ben? Oh well, I guess he can since Ben is dead but when I was still here he couldn't talk with the deceased boy. Huh, must've been too early. "She isn't alive genius just quiet down and talk your dead souls away amongst each other, you surely have somethings to catch up on." And that's it I got angry. With a snap of my fingers, I created a small electric sparks and touched Klaus with it. "Ah, fuck." He yelped and jumped up from his bed 

"You convinced now?" I asked blowing gently at my finger to blow the sparkles down. 

"Holy Macaroni, you are alive." He yelled as he engulfed me in a hug and picked me up spinning me around. I laughed a little at his antics. He then put me down and patted my head. 

"Do it again and I'll burn you," I threatened jokingly to which he rolled his eyes. 

"Eh, I've been through worse." With a shrug of his shoulders, he walked out of the room and mentioned for me to follow him. 

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