Chapter 4: Childhood friend

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Audrey's POV:

So, after school, me and Brent stepped in 7 Eleven near the school. I was actually really shocked that he was actually the childhood friend I used to play with.

"Man, you've grown up as a handsome cutie, Brent." Ngumiti ako say kaniya.

"Ahahaha, mabuti at naalala mo ako. I was actually waiting for you to remember me."

"Ah, really? Sorry ha. Makalimutin kasi ako." I giggled.

I grab the straw and drink the soda I bought. It's already 4:00 pm and I told Hans to just wait for me at the mansion because I want to spend some time for a while with Brent. Ang tagal na namin hindi nagkita ever since I was forced to...

Naalala ko nanaman.

"So, why did you transfer mansions? Did something happen between your parents and the neighborhood? Kasi parang iba ang tingin nila sa pamilya mo." Tanong ni Brent sa akin.


"'We'?" He's waiting for my answer. I can't tell him directly or I'll look bad in his eyes. So, "I mean, my parents fought with one of the neighbors and our company in the neighborhood was accidentally accused as a fraud." I lied to him.

"I see... it must have been hard." He got worried all of the sudden.

"N-No, it's not that much of a big deal, seriously! My parents solved it right after we transferred mansions." I'm guilty for lying!

"Ah, that's great." Ngiti niya sa akin bago kainin niya yung burger na binili ko since tinulungan niya ako kanina from the bullies.

You must be wondering on what happened to me before, right? I'm sorry, I cannot tell you...

"Oh, right. Natatandaan mo pa ba yung mga kalaro natin?" Tanong ni Brent.

"Huh? May kalaro tayo?" I was confused. I don't remember having other people playing with me except Brent, but I feel like it did...

"You don't remember? We used to be 7 before, but since you transferred mansions from another street, the 6 of us departed because of also family issues in the neighborhood." Sabi ni Brent.

"I really don't remember..."

"Seriously? You don't remember?"

"Yeah, no matter how hard I try, not a single memory comes into my mind..." My phone suddenly rang. Hans is calling me. Sinagot ko yung tawag niya, "Hello? Hans, ba't ka---"

"Lady Victoria, your mother!" May narinig along sumigaw and I knew directly that the scream was coming from my mother.

"What's happening, Hans!?" Nagsisimula akong magalala. I hear flames and a lot of screams coming from the phone. Something is happening in the mansion.

"Mr. Falcon, he's---" Naputol yung sinasabi niya kasi parang may kumuha ng telepono.

Mr. Falcon!? Isn't he the one that killed my father!?

"Ah, Lady Audrey Victoria, daughter of Mr. Mark Victoria! How ya doin'?" He'd let out an evil laugh from his mouth. Damn, that psycho.

"Mr. Falcon, what is the meaning of this!? What did you do to my mother and the others at the mansion!?"

"Your mother is a threat to my plan. She knows too much, that's why I invaded your mansion! If only you were here, then maybe you would've seen you mother die in front of you. How sad! Bu hu...".

"WHY YOU---" He quickly ended the phone call. DAMMIT!

"What's going on, Audrey?" Brent seem to be worried as well, but I can't drag him. I can't let him find out about his father or it'll hurt him.

"Brent, I have to go---" I was about to walk away, but Brent hold my hand which made me stop. "Audrey, what's going on!?" He asked seriously.

"It's none of your business! Let go!" I tried to pull away my hand, but he's too strong.

"Audrey, I'll go with you and explain everything to me later."

"No! I can't! Let go!"

"Audrey, please!" He begged me.

It's been so long since we last talked to each other and he might have felt lonely without me. "I can't afford to let you go again..." He said.

Seems that I have no choice... "Fine, I'll take you with me." I said.

"Thank you." He smiled.

We ran outside the store, leaving our food behind. I know it's rude to leave unfinished food on the table if you know the manners of eating on the table, but I have to go to the mansion first. I have to at least save mother, I have to see her still breathing so that I can take her to the hospital. I have to save not only my mother but everyone in the mansion!

I can't afford to loose a life, not even once!

A/N: I know it's a bit confusing, but you'll understand everything at the next chapter. Just please wait, okay? Thankshie!~ -3- Mwuahh!

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Jun 19, 2020 ⏰

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