a/n : historical outfits and 'notes' ig

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Hi! If you're reading this. Great. I applaud for your survival of getting through the previous chapters. :)

You could skip this if you want to. It's fine either way. (ㆀ˘・з・˘)

Anyway, I wanted to briefly explain everything in this so-called "chapter" in the 'disclaimer' chapter at the start of the book so that everyone could be on the same page, but I forgot. 🤡

Also, (in case you haven't noticed, yet) this is a ~historical fiction~. Everything in this book takes place during Joseon Dynasty, around 1392 to 1897. Some of the "notes" in this chapter may not apply to real life events and/or practices, so yeahhhhh.

Starting off with the protagonist and side characters' outfits for the duration of this book (feat. bad quality pictures) :

Scholar/Lord Choi Yeonjun

Scholar/Lord Choi Yeonjun

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Choi Soobin

Princess Eun Hayoon

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Princess Eun Hayoon

(Also, the inspiration behind Eun Hayoon's facial expressions is actress Moon Gayoung cause' she's my fave but you probs don't care idk justhjnuhuhsunsjhjsh)

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(Also, the inspiration behind Eun Hayoon's facial expressions is actress Moon Gayoung cause' she's my fave but you probs don't care idk justhjnuhuhsunsjhjsh)

(Also, the inspiration behind Eun Hayoon's facial expressions is actress Moon Gayoung cause' she's my fave but you probs don't care idk justhjnuhuhsunsjhjsh)

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Maids outfit (technically, they aren't maids, more like palace woman but Idontwanttogetintothtdarkhistorybecauseehhh)

Maids outfit (technically, they aren't maids, more like palace woman but Idontwanttogetintothtdarkhistorybecauseehhh)

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Male's hairstyle without their hats

Male's hairstyle without their hats

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Female's hairstyle

In case you don't know how Kim Bora (right) and Lee Siyeon (left) looks like :

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In case you don't know how Kim Bora (right) and Lee Siyeon (left) looks like :

In case you don't know how Kim Bora (right) and Lee Siyeon (left) looks like :

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"Notes" or "facts" ig :
- In this story, men and women are preferably married before the age of 30. Though, it doesn't mean there aren't any single bitches at the age of 30. ;)
- TITLES AND RANKS. I hate this part because everything is so complicated and there weren't enough sources I could find for this. Basically, your age doesn't matter in the Joseon era. Your title and nobility is more important. (e.g. a 60 year old commoner must address a 20 year old scholar more respectfully.) The same goes for females btw
- Palace women must be tested to see if they're a virgin or not at the age of 5 or 6 before entering the palace. (it's freaky I know)
- Eunuchs are basically "assistants".
- Women are thought of as stupid and were seen as objects or slaves rather than human by superiors. (not all tho)

I would probably update this chapter frequently if I discover or missed something. I'm always researching for new stuffs all day every day. Also, don't feel nervous to correct me if I'm wrong! I'm open to new information and criticisms. I'll try my best to stay true to the original practices :]

- 고래 <3

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