37. Turn the Page

Start from the beginning

Castiel and Azrael stood and looked around. "Where am I?"

"Uh... Earth?"

"No. How far are we from Lebanon, Kansas?" Castiel asked.

"Uh... Th-three hours, maybe. Wait, wait, wait, wait. Who – What are you, man, miss?"

Castiel and Azrael walked towards the man and he and touched him on the forehead. The man dropped to the ground. Castiel and Azrael left him there as he drove off in the truck.


Dean and Mary were sitting on a bench in the park. Dean's coat was around Mary's shoulders.

"How did he die?" Mary asked.

"He gave himself up for me and Natalia," Dean replied.

Mary chuckled and sniffled. Despite the tears, she smiled as she thought of John. "That sounds like John. And he was a hunter? And he raised you, Natalia and Sam to..."

"Yeah, he did."

"And you said we've met before, when you and Natalia traveled through time."

Dean nodded. "Twice. Your memory got wiped, so..."

"And I saw you when I was a ghost... which I don't remember, either. And God's... sister brought me back to life?"

"Pretty much. It's a lot. And I know it's a lot. And I'll explain everything. I will. But right now, let's get out of here. Let's get you home. Come on, Mom."

Dean and Mary got off the bench. Dean placed his hand on Mary's shoulder as they walked off.


"I know, darling. But mummy will be home soon. I miss you, too. I love you so, so much," Toni said into the phone.

Behind Toni, was a door with stairs leading to a cellar where Sam was chained to a chair that was placed over a drain. A woman walked over and used a cattle prod on the unconscious Sam.

"Aah!" Sam gasped.

"Be a good boy," Ms. Watt told him.

Toni walked down the stairs.

"You," Sam said.

Sam grunted as he tested his bonds. Toni sat down, pulled out a book, pulled out a pen, took off the cap, and put the cap on the table next to her.

"Now, Sam. Let's begin," Toni stated.

Sam was sitting, facing Toni. "Toni Bevell, London Chapter House."

"That's right."

"So, you're what? You're, uh, English Men of Letters?"


As Toni wrote, Sam sighed and shook his head before asking, "Where are we?"

"Does it matter?"

"Just wondering how far I'm gonna have to walk back to town after I kill you. And her. But you first."

"Yes, well, before you murder us all, we do have a few questions about you, your brother, your sister, hunters in America, and how you saved the sun."

Sam chuckled. "Right. You shoot me, kidnap me, but yeah, happy to help."

"I didn't want to hurt you, Sam. You gave me no choice. And, well, I could say it was never supposed to go this way, but you're... you. It was always going to go this way."

"And you know me?"

"We do. We've been watching you, your sister, and your brother for years. For awhile, we were watching your fellow hunter, Mr. Scott. But then, he passed. Every since you almost ended the world the first time. We knew all about Lucifer, the angels falling."

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