"Crowley." His phone beeped as the connection ended. "Sam! Natalia!"


Amara laid on a table and said weakly, "How do I know that any of this is working? I don't feel any different, for all of your promises. I warn you, I'm not one to be trifled with."

Rowena worked on a spell over Amara's back. "Shh. Mahday, eelohtah, sahn. Serloh, eelohtah. That's enough for now, poor wee thing, but you're coming along. I'll heal you just as I promised."

"And who are you again?"

"One who communes with the natural forces and channels them to help the less fortunate, such as yourself."



"You're his mother."

"Say what, dear?"

"Uncle Crowley's mother."

Rowena was surprised. "Uncle?"

"He tried controlling me when I was a child. Did he send you to bring me back?"

"Heavens, no. My son and I loathe each other."

"Then why are you helping me?"

"Because you're going to win, my dear. Yes, I know about the grievance between you and your brother and his archangel. I have my own axe to grind with Lucifer."

"You know him?"

Rowena scoffed. "Know him?"

Lucifer snapped Rowena's neck.

"And yet, you live?"

"Aye. Like yourself, I'm a survivor. A hard life has taught me to be prepared. I, long ago, secreted within my person..." she revealed a scar on her right thigh, "... a wee casket of powerful magic."

Lucifer and Crowley left the room, with Rowena dead on the floor. A spell was activated from her right thigh.

"When the spell inside me sensed my life-force ebbing... it went to work." The spell reached her heart and the energy traveled throughout her body. "And I was revived."

Rowena woke with a gasp. Her neck forced itself back into place and she healed, looking furious.

"Where is Lucifer now?" Amara asked. "He's hidden himself from me, and I, too, have a score to settle."

"All in good time. Right now, you're still weak from that pesky angel smiting."

"And you can fix that?"

"Aye, and so much more. You can destroy your enemies and, I imagine, remake the world any way you choose. And I... will be by your side."


There were cobwebs everywhere, so thick that Sam and Natalia got tangled and had to shake the cobwebs off.

Natalia started freaking out, realizing there might be spiders around and Sam pulled the cobwebs off and said quietly, "It's okay. You tell me if you see a spider and I'll get it for you." She nodded her thanks.

Crowley was waiting inside.

"Nice digs," Dean commented. "The Crypt Keeper out of town?"

"I'm lucky to be alive," Crowley replied. "Lucifer had me trussed up like a dog in my own palace."

""Palace"? Oh, you mean the abandoned nuthouse."

"He kept me in a kennel!" Dean, Sam and Natalia smiled, amused. "And he turned all his demons... my demons... against me. They scour the earth, day and night, looking to kill me. He has to be dealt with."

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