Chapter 29 - We missed you

Start from the beginning

"He's sleeping! I think you should wake him up now. It's almost 8." he took a glance at his wrist watch and informed that piece of information which made me a little bit more frustrated. He is still sleeping?

"Why don't you take the chance of being his alarm clock?" I told yoongi about not being interested in waking that sleeping sloth up.

"I need to cook breakfast. As I'm a chef now. Trust me I need to start now or I couldn't able to get breakfast for you to eat at 8.30. I'm trying hard since 6.30am." he Informed. So the sounds earlier were him working in kitchen. Is he now a chef? What a stubborn expression less actor he is!

I started walking towards Jungkook's room but soon halted in my steps hearing yoongi's voice again.

"Hey! It's that way." He pointed towards the other side making me frown.

"That's not his room it's-"

"It's your room. I know. He sleeps there now a days. Now go and wake him up. Fast!" he Said and rushed towards the kitchen and I can say that something is really burning.

I felt a sudden wave of guilt passing through out my whole body knowing that he's sleeping in my room. Am I doing wrong by stubbornly pushing him away from me? I don't know.

I headed towards my previous room which I left and opened the door slowly not wanting to wake him up. I went straight towards the bed and a smile made it's way to my lips watching him sleeping like a baby. He looks so cute while he's sleeping.

I leaned to his level and unintentionally my fingers went to brush his brown locks which looked bouncy. I really wanted to ruffle his hair from a long time.

"Seriously y/n? I was waiting for you to kiss me." I realized that he is wide awake and was waiting for me to do something. But I just stood straight clearing my throat.

"What do you want me to do?" I asked dryly while looking away from him to hide the blush crept on my cheeks.

"Let's go!" he dragged me towards somewhere and finally ceased his steps which made me to look at the room filled with his clothes. It's his closet. Why does he want me here?

"What do you want?" I asked being completely clueless.

"Select something in which I could look more handsome." he said while grabbing my shoulders and pushing towards his closet where I could see many suits hanged.

"Really? Are you kidding me? I mean you just called me early in the morning for this thing?" I accused him for his stupid reason and he just shrugged him shoulders making me more irritated.

But again! I like it. I mean it's one of my favorite things to select what my partner should wear. I mean it's what I have dreamt of doing when I were in a relationship. I think it's a sweet gesture. You may think I'm exaggerating but you know these kind of tiny things makes me feel loved.

I took out a navy blue suit which looked kinda professional and handed it to him.

"You look good in everything. It's just that this color caught my eye." I said honestly and explained my choice in case if he didn't like my selection.

"I look good without anything too." he whispered huskily and I just pushed him away with all my force for being a pervert.

I rolled my eyes and left the place still hearing his laughter. I directly headed to the kitchen being curious of how could the fake chef is going to handle the kitchen.

"Y-Yoongi are you sure that this is what you're going to serve?" I asked after watching the dish that was served on the plate and trust me I called it a dish just because I can't name that item which he just made. I'm sure that I'm going to get food poison just by watching it.

"Looks may deceive y/n! Just take a bite." he said proudly but still I'm not going to risk my life. My dog and my house will get abandoned. I mean my future dog and future house that I planned.

"Hey! Food!" I got a little surprised after watching an extremely over excited man skipping all the way to the kitchen happily and other one who just followed him. Jin!?

"Hey, y/n! Nice to see you again here." I just got a little surprised as I saw both Jin and Namjoon right before me. Oh yeah how can I forget. They all live under the same roof. I just got informed about it few days back but it feels different as you know I just got habituated to yoongi's presence.

"Good morning." I greeted them both with a smile and they returned it.

"Is it ready? I mean food. Me and Jin hyung should leave early today. I have to talk with Hoseok hyung too." Namjoon said while opening the lid and halted in his actions as he saw it. I mean the item. His eyes flickered over to yoongi who still had a proud smile on his face. Namjoon did nothing he just placed the lid back on the dish and grabbed his coat leaving us dumbfounded.

"Yah! It's not good to skip breakfast Joon! Yoongi did a har-" Jin just got a view of the dish and he paused for a while not uttering a word. I think he's mourning over the vegetables or whatever yoongi used while making it.

"Just wait yoongi, I need to go quick now so that's why I'm leaving you right now. Remember this is not over yet. You just disrespected my kitchen. I will not leave you." he threatened and exited the house.

I chuckled while looking at yoongi who just stood with his usual poker face. His face resembles mine when I first tried to cook dinner for me and my sister. It came out as a disaster but still she ate and told me where It went wrong. If she just ate, lying to me that it was good then I would be more sad. But she didn't! instead she told me my wrong doings and corrected me which I really appreciate. It made me happy.

I served myself and took a spoonful of whatever it is. Honestly it doesn't taste that bad. He wasn't lying when he said that don't go by looks. It wasn't that burnt but also it was burnt little though. He should add more salt and less spice. That's it!

I gave him my feedback genuinely and if I'm not wrong he smiled a little.

"It's not bad yoongi! But I'm sure if your first try is this good you will excel in no time." I said while eating my whole portion. And again I can really sense that he is happy by my feedback. I'm being honest and may be, he liked that.

"OK, y/n! Let's go. We will be late. Bye hyung." Jungkook finally came out from his room being dressed and we both walked out of the house and fled away.

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