Blue Eyes (Cas x Reader)

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I was walking home from another long day at work. I was starving and couldn't wait to sit down have a cup of coffee and a slice of apple pie. I walk into My favourite dinner taking my usual seat in a booth by the farthest window. Pulling Stephen King's It out of my bag and tugging my hair from its pony. I hum along to the song on the radio opening up my book after placing my order with Maggie, the newer waitress who was bubbly and way to full of energy. A few minutes pass and the jingle of the front door's bell catches my attention. Glancing up I watch three very tall and very handsome men walk to the only other booth behind me. I try not to pay attention to whatever they where talking about as I read my book absently stirring my spoon then a voice catches my attention. 

"hello, my name is Castiel" A deep voice states, I look up to find one of the men before staring at me intently shuffling his feet nervously.

"Um..I'm (Y/N)" I say tilting my head to the side feeling slightly bad for the shy man in front of me. "would you like to take a seat?" I offer closing my book.

The man takes the seat across from you and looks at you intently "How are you?" He asks quickly and I laugh a little.

"I'm....Good and you?" I reply trying not to laugh at how awkward this interaction was shaping up to be. "I'm Fine" he states and looks out the window.

I bite my lip and blink a few times realizing he wasn't going to speak unless I prompted him. taking a breath I smile at the handsome man before me. "If you don't mind me asking, Why did you suddenly come over here?" 

"Oh...Becuase my friends told me I should" He says gesturing over to the two men he came in with who where chucking and smiling broadly. Maggie comes up just then to hand you a slice of pie and winks walking away.

I sigh and look back the two men Castiel came in with have moved over and climbed into my book. The one in the leather jacket that smelled faintly of whiskey and motor oil. He smiles charmingly and places his arm around the back of the booth leaning in.

"We don't mean to intrude, but we need to wrap with up. Cas clearly is to shy to ask the beautiful lady for her number. So would you be willing to give him the pleasure of asking you on a date?" He says charmingly

I laugh a little and look over at Castiel taking the pen the tall brunette man offered me, and takes Cas' hand writing out the number on his palm. "There, now if you'll excuse me I have to get going" I say and stand picking up my book,

"See you around blue eyes" I wink before moving out the door earring a smile from Maggie.


this was  horrible

but its better then before



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