Winchesters x Reader

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It was snowing! You run and practically jump into your coat and boots. You ran passed sam and dean who looked at you confused.

"Where are you going?" Dean asked
"Out" you say simply
"Out where" sam says
"Out there" you say pointing at the door.

Before they say anything else you bolt for the door,

"(Y/N)!" You hear dean yell and you laugh. You run around twirling and jumping.


"Enjoying the snow STUPID" you reply

"Come back inside its freezing out here!" he shouts back

"NO, im from CANADA WERE USE TO THE COLD!" I retort.

"Damn it (y/n)" he says walking towards you his black jacket zipped up to his neck, he looked like a marshmallow.

You bend down and grab a fistful of snow and make a snowball and chuck it in his direction, you hear him yelp.

"(YYYYY/NNNNNNN)!!!!!!" He yells you stifle a giggle and take of running

"GET YOU ASS BACK HERE!!" He screams but you keep going. He was gaining ground fast.

And thats when you run into someone and fall back into the snow.

"(Y/n)?" Sam says

"SAMMY GRAB HER!" dean shouts

"No no no please sam no!" You say trying to stand up.

"Whats going on?" He askes

"I throw a snowball at dean bow hes gonna kill me" you yelp as you see dean closing in on you and sam.

Sam lets out a chuckle and helps you up.

"Im sorry" sam says

"For wha-" thats when dean tackles you to the ground and starts trowing snow in your face.

"SAMMY!!!!!" You gasp but dean replys

"Thanks sammy"

" Welcome im going into make hot coco" he says and leaves.

Dean turns back to you, he was still on you startling your waist

"You cold?" He says looking down at you with those green eyes that make you mealt.


"Where" he says any you look at him but play along.

"Here" you say pointing at you cheek. he leans down and kisses it.

"Here" you say pointing at you forehead and once again he kisses it.

"Here" you say pointing at you nose. he smiles and once again kisses it.

"Here" you say barley audible. pointing at your lips .

he leans down and kisses you, his hands cupping your face, your arms wrap around his neck.

"I love you..." he murmurs

"I love you to..." you whisper back

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