✔ | 20 - 𝒀𝒐𝒖 𝑮𝒊𝒗𝒆 𝑳𝒐𝒗𝒆

Start from the beginning

Kat sighed as she dragged her feet down the Mystic PD building after her statement. She had seen Matt, Stefan and Jeremy already there when she arrived with her aunt and twin. To her surprise, they were all talking like decent humans without Tyler to break into a fight. She did miss Tyler though. He was nowhere in sight, and was quickly informed by Matt that he was out looking for a distraction. That either meant he was drinking down his worries or was aggressively hitting pool racks. Either was not healthy.

They had all given their statements and Kat all but ran out of there the moment she could. The Sheriff, though she knew Kat since she was born, was not easy with the questions. Being closest to the person you killed always had its negatives.

Kat shook out of her dark sarcasm in front of Jenna's car when her phone dings. It was Stefan's number, the one she had practically burned into her brain to remember in case she needed help and didn't have her phone with her. She looked around to see him in an excuse of a conversation with a frowning Elena. Jeremy and Jenna were talking while walking down the steps. No one else appeared to be on the phone, let alone on Stefan's.

The ringing stopped before she could answer. Soon, her screen blinked with a message. 

It's Lexi
Can you use your friend's party and plan something embarrassing plz?

Kat couldn't help but smile at the antics of the vampire. She pocketed the phone when Jenna approached, ready to go. A few feet away, Stefan gave Elena a quick hug that was surprise, surprise: one-sided. Elena stomped away from Stefan, her hair a flying mess in the wake.

Kat wanted to ask how Stefan was feeling but before she could take a step, her twin had yanked her into the car with her. Grumbling, Kat peeked out from the open window to wave a temporary goodbye to Stefan. Elena was busy ignoring everyone, staring at Jenna's head behind the wheel. Kat tried to probe her mood for details, only to get brushed off with more than a polite comment.

Jenna came home to an email from none other than Logan Fell, signing off rather abruptly about leaving town. Kat knew it was probably Damon's work, covering up his tracks. But the first good thing that Damon did, ended up with her aunt trying bury herself in the couch with a disappointed fear for future relationships.

Jenna and Elena sulked together on the couch while Kat, being the only woman of the house who was deprived of a romantic life, prepared to get sucked into the vortex of the post-breakup wallowing. Jeremy was sitting at the table as he scribbled something with his head bent low.

Handing Elena her ice cream tub and Jenna her glass of wine, Kat plopped down between both of them as they leaned on her shoulders, still robotically attending to what was in their hands. Kat ran a light hand through Jenna's golden-red waves.

"You're wallowing" Jenna stated, brandishing her already half empty glass at Elena like a pointer.

Elena sighed, "So are you"

"Her wallow is legit," Kat put in, "She was dumped."

Elena shot her a glare from under her lashes. It was not a secret between the sisters that Elena was the one who dumped Stefan. As far as Kat was concerned, Elena chose to dump Stefan high and dry in the middle of him starting to trust her.

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