ᴛᴡᴇɴᴛʏ ꜰᴏᴜʀ - 𝑪𝒂𝒏'𝒕 𝑾𝒂𝒊𝒕

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[Episode 39 - The Last Dance - 1]

I smile giddily as her eyes flit from the lawyer in front of me, my aunt, and Elena.

"That's it, please sign here, and here, and here as well, done..." Mr. Henry smiles.

"Um, excuse me for asking..." he looks to Jenna sheepishly "But is there any specific reason for this...?" Jenna looks around and shrugs sheepishly "Um, investment, Mr. Henry" He gives her a weird look and walks out after handing me all the signed papers.

Bonnie comes from upstairs just as the man leaves.

"Hey, any luck?"

The witch shakes head "You're right, she's cloaked". Last night, after all of the memory-drama was over, I tried to test my newly re-obtained magic first with a locator spell on Katherine. She was cloaked.

Bonnie's confirmation causes Elena to draw in a short breath "Why are you worried about her anyway? She's finally out of our lives"

I sigh, handing the papers to Jenna with a sad smile "She's an asset to Niklaus, and god knows what he's doing to her..." We have a stare-off, forcing Bonnie to come to the rescue "So, this place huh? They just... gave it to you?"

I crack a small smile "Huh" I nod "-so I'm the only one who can invite people in" she jerks her head towards the doorway where Stefan and Damon stand.

Stefan has his usual brooding face on and Damon's sticks his tongue out as all the girls laugh.

"Watch this" I strut to the threshold and lean against the door with an innocent look "So... Salvatores..."

"Gilbert" Damon gives a non-smile. He was really regretting all those times he went against me, bit her, stabbed me and drove me mad. I can tell.

Stefan smiles hesitantly.

"Do you promise to obey the owner of this amazing house?"

Surprising all of the others, especially Jenna, the brothers sync "Yes"

"Damon..." I smile sweetly "You may come in , make yourself home... The rooms above are really nice" he shakes his raven head with a roll of his eyes "I know, the tub's to die for, see you inside Stef" he looks back.

Stefan looks like a lost puppy, fingers buried in his leather jeans pockets as he glances at me and then at Elena. Jenna giggles, covering her eyes "I'm surprised that look isn't working on you" Elena hisses and nudges our aunt as a small taunting smile creeps up my eyes. I look down, biting my lip.

"Stefan Salvatore" I draw his attention away from his boots "Do you want to spend quality time in this house?"

"Yes" he grudgingly looks up.

"Do you promise to give me bear hugs?"

"No" Elena visibly glares at me. Bonnie rolls her eyes.

Stefan looks relieved, as if he expected me to demand he dance "Of course"

"Pinky swear?" I hold out my pinky. Elena huffs and walks into the house, stomping and plopping down on the couch. Stefan smiles with a childish twinkle,holding out his pinky without any inhibitions, still stuck outside the threshold.

"Come in 'ere you" he comes in with a smile "Thank you" I pull him into a hug, crushing half of his muscles in the process.

"Vi-Viv" he croaks out, making me withdraw from the embrace "Sorry..." I cringe, not realising my real strength.

"Well, you done?" Elena shouts from the parlour, walking out with her bag and jacket.

"Where are you going?" Stefan gently pulls her inside.

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