Chapter 20: loyalty

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"Life is a pain in the ass"I thought while getting irritated by the teasing,and as much as I want to help Philipia with the broken glasses on the floor,I'm stuck with this pasta boiling!!

I just felt like punching that Russians face!!

Philipia apologized alot then just back out,I want to follow w her but,ughh!!!now I'm starting to hate pastas!!

"What's with the grumpy face south-kun?"japan asked while carrying plates,"oh- it's nothing..just the pasta is not finished yet"

"Okay,well you are going to have to look at it cause it looks like it's gonna explode-"

"Oh my life-"I closed the heat,and just felt cool and laughed nervously at japan, he laughed and left with his business..

I sighed,and made an excuse to go to the bathroom,I left the kitchen and went out of the hotel feeling the breeze again.

There I saw her sitting there on the sand,should I go and comfort her?or just go back to the kitchen,there gonna kill for not coming back..

But she looks so lonely...hmm,I slapped myself for this,this is a dilemma I'm facing!!

I mean I don't need to go back in the kitchen since I finished but if I leave they might need help,but Philipia needs help,tho in the kitchen there are alot of them their so I guess no need-

"South!!could you help me pls!"

Well,there goes my luck! "Coming!" Ughh!


The couple's came,I had to stay way back From the crowd while they cheer,it's to risky,but I want to get near Philipia..

It's such an awful day today,with no opportunity to be with her.

I just want to see her smile but there all covering her appearance.her presence makes my body and mind's like every problem I've ever had existed,was gone..

She was just the light of my life,she was like no other girl in this cruel world,she has talent and beauty,with a kind heart.

No one could question her appearance in this world,not even me~and it just gives my heart skip a beat❤

"Guys,I guess its time to leave them alone for awhile,we will be back when they kiss in the sunset~"I heard Thailand whispered to everyone and that we went to the bar for our time to celebrate, surprisingly the two(Russia & America) are here,

I have a feeling they fought in here because of earlier but who cares..

I just got myself some juice,not in the mood for drinking alcohol,I glanced and my eyes landed on Philipia,she left without even getting something to drink.

Curiosity killed me and I followed her but stopped and saw martial approaching her,welp I wouldn't want to interrupt so I went back to bar sulking,ugh!!the pain.


We all went back to there moment,and of course I stayed out of there way,but I can see the two ,and all of them are really that excited to what there about to do,

Finally they did it...maybe a bit of a picture of them is ok ovo

Now I hear teasing again it's really irritating me,I looked at them and of course there all doing it on Philipia,tho somethings wrong..

I glared at Russia who is just blushing at the back,this makes me so jealous!!

I tried stoping them but they are all too loud Philipia fell on the ground as they worry around her, I tried to push them aside so I could help her but martial already did and put her inside while del came and looked really concerned about this,I just stared at her being carried,looking,

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