Chapter 32

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Once we went through the portal, we all rush to Taken's room before she loses more blood, once we got to her room, I put Eri down and asked Stella to take Kota and her to the play room, Shigaraki then set Taken down slowly on her bed and everyone backs up a bit,

"Taken your going to be ok!" I said as kneel down by her bed, I then feel tears falling down my face,

"Izuku it's ok... I'll be fine... I know your going to be a great queen, a amazing mother, and amazing person, I'm fine..." she said as she stroke her thumb on my face slowly,

She smiles one last time,

"Don't cry sister, I'm fine, and I'll be here by your side in life and in death, I love you even if I didn't see you for years as kids but I always loved you, now stop crying, I'm fine...." she said as her hand falls off my face to her face and with her smile still plastered, she close her eyes slowly,

"Taken! Taken! No please don't go!!, don't go!!" Then fully close, she passed,
No one POV:
"Ahhhhh Taken!!!" Izuku yelled as she fell to the floor sobbing her eyes,

"Taken please don't go..." Todoroki then kneel down as well and hugs Izuku, everyone was upset and angry but they can't change what happened,

After a while,Todoroki couldn't hear anything from Izuku and sees that she fell asleep, so he carry's her to her room while the rest covers Taken with her blanket, leave the room and close the door,

Todoroki then place Izuku down, and cover her with her blanket, As he looks at her, he feels upset at both girls, Taken was like another sister and seeing Izuku cry was painful for him,

He the walks out and goes to tell the members to plan a funeral and that Izuku or anyone should make the news about it,

As for the hero's, they don't know about what happened to Taken but SirNight Eye also passed away on the day,

News were everywhere saying how SirNight Eye died, killed by a villain, sister of a future queen and a UA Student, some are going against UA for not paining attention more, while others are going against the villains for killing a known hero,

Bakugou haven't told anyone about what happened yet, but he does know that he was not done fighting,
Next day

Izuku laid in bed feeling strange but hopeless, Stella try to contrive her to get up but couldn't so she only brought breakfast that morning,

*knock, knock!*
"Come in.." Izuku said while sitting up,
"Hey Izuku.., How you doing?..." Toga asked as Dabi, Todoroki and Shigaraki walked in with her,

"I'm fine, thanks for asking.." Izuku said with a small smile,

"Hey Izuku, you know you have to make the news about the hero's and Taken right?" Shigaraki asked her,

"Oh right um I'll try today?" Izuku said,

"Izuku are you sure your fine?" Dabi asked with worry,

"I'm fine Dabi, don't worry.." she said as she got up from the bed,

"Izuku you also need to make the funeral and then your coronation.." Todoroki said slowly walking to her,

"Yes I know, don't worry I will make them" Izuku said as she walked into her closet to pick a outfit, she choose something simple but still nice, she doesn't want her people worrying about her,

Everyone then looks at each other and walk away, to try not to bother Izuku as she got ready,

Shigaraki then called everyone to some to the main center that is infront of the balcony in the throne room,
Everyone came to see what's going on, as Izuku finally finished her look, she looks at herself in the mirror, thinking what to do, Toga then comes in knocking,

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