Chapter 14

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(Izuku's Pov) ( play when I say ok thx )

"Now for the next battle it is Kaida Star vs Hitoshi Shinso!!"

I then got up from my seat and walked to my side of the battle field and now ready to fight.

" heh you look really easy to beat, why don't you just turn around and get out so you don't hurt yourself pretty girl!"

Huh pretty girl ughhhh I hated when people said I was easy to beat.

" I'll show u easy!!" I yelled

But right as I was going to attack my mind went blank, like I was being controlled, then I noticed that it was his quirk.

'Ugh that bastard!'

"Ok now get out of bounds for me" he said in a monotone,

Then I felt my legs move by themselves and started to walk,

' wow already giving up sis??'

'The one and only!'
'Come on help me and I'll let u win the sports festival!'
'Hmmmmm I'll think about it ya?'

'Come on Taken plz almost out of bounds!'

'Ughh fine!'
(No ones pov)

Taken then moves her fingers a bit next to her and tries to move Izukus legs which she managed to tip izuku an make her face flat on her face,

But Bakugou who was next to Taken saw her fingers then back at Izuku was a bit confused but didn't think of it much,

Izuku then snaps out of it and gets up from the ground and looks to Shinso and used her quirk to bring a metal bar and smack him a bit back.

Then she starts running and Shinso as while but he went though her and gets kicked in the back and Izuku then grabs Shinso and throws him out of bounds making her the winner.

Izuku then walks up to Shinso and helps him up,

" You did good but I'll get you back soon" Izuku said

" heh we will see about that" then they both walk away.

Soon after many battles it was Takens turn and now she was going to battle Uraraka

Uraraka then started to run at Taken but Takens then uses a plant quirk and wraps Uraraka with it and throws her close to the out of bounds lines,

Uraraka then got up and turned again and again until the ground was messed up by piles and cracks on the ground,

" give up already Uraraka." Taken said with a serious and a bit of evil tone

" I'm not give up yet, Taken!"

Then she touched her fingers together, then Taken looked up and saw that rocks were ready to fall so she uses a memory quirk and used Bakugous quirk to blow them off.

"WOW! She just uses Bakugou's quirk to blow them with one hit!!"
Then Taken looks at Uraraka and walks up to her and touch her head and then grabbed her then walked to the lines and set her out of bounds then Uraraka passed out there.

"Taken wins, she goes to the next round!"

Then Takens walks off,

-After some time/ lunch-

Izuku was waiting in line to get lunch when she hears a certain person coming towards her from behind,

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