Chapter 12

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Todorkoi's POV :

After the girl left,I was left with a few things in my mind,

"What does she mean by that? And where's Star?! I need to find her fast?" I thought as i try to get up but no use, after a while I was able to move his fingers, then his hand, legs, and back. I them got up and i ran, ran as fast had i can and when i did i saw that the others where still fighting and Aizawa fighting the weak ones.

'Phew I'm not too late'I said to myself as i ran to help but right as i was there with Mr, Aizawa who was getting badly injured by a creature like thing with a girl with white hair and one white eye the other black and a long scar across her face and a hood and mask sitting on the creatures shoulders and next thing i sees All Might come in.

"Fear not you know why? Cause I AM HERE!" All Might said as he gets Mr, Aizawa before I could blind and gave Mr, Aizawa to Two other class mates,

" oh my All Might I'm so glad you could be here with us now it will be extra fun to kill you hahahah!!" The girl with white hair said while she got off the Nomu, Then walks over the a guy with hands all over his body and a thing that is made out of smoke.

"Nomu kill him" said the guy with hands,

Then the creature started to run then get fast then hit All Might, then they started to throw punches all over themselves then i hear,

I then look above All Might to see the same girl but she was different, she was kinda the opposite of the white hair girl but with black and a scar on the other side of her face and a mask and shorts, then right when she was going to land in All Might, he moved but barely his back but didn't ,instead the Nomu? punched her when All Might moved and she went flying to the wall,


"SISTER!!!! NO!!" Said the white hair girl as she started to run to her sister I'm guessing, I then make the floor covered in ice and try to trap the Nomu for All Might.

I turn and she the girl with white hair yell and see that her sister has her eyes half open and unconscious.

Then the white hair then starts yelling and running at All Might with her eyes glowing green, and a green glow around her body with things floating around her to which she throws at All Might.

" You will pay!!" She said while I send a wall of ice at her but she goes right though,

'Ugh damn it' I said in my mind

Then I hear the white hair girl start singing as she is throwing knives and rocks at him.

"Wither and decay" she sang as she stands a few feet away, both ready to fight,

"End this destiny" her hair starts to glow more green but why and her eyes as dark as night and swirls around her form.

All Might try to charged at her but the Nomu pinned him down and start holding him.

"Break this earthly chains" she starts walk up to him

"And set the spirits free..." as she's in front of him and a knife above her head ready to use,

" the spirits free~~" as she was going to stab him a gun was shot passed her face and hit the guy covered in hands many times and All Might getting out fast and pushed the girl out of the way and into a wall as well and started to punch the Nomu while I froze it and I saw that Bakugou hold the smoke guy.

' where did he come from?? How did I not hear him?' I thought and saw that the Nomu was losing and

"PLUS ULTRA!!" All might said as he punched it though the building and into the sky,

"NOOOO!, Damn it ALL Might We Will BE BACK!!" The girl with white hair walked though with her sister in her hands but right before she went though she looked at me and winked and I can feel like she was grinning at me as well.

After the whole mess we were able to get out and the police question us but I didn't want to, I wanted to look for Kiada and when I saw her, my heart sinked I saw her and her sister blood on their face, cuts, bruises, and ripped clothes with some skin showing.

I ran to her and hugged her to try and cover some of her body,

"Are you alright?, where were you?!, you need help??!" I said freaking out

She giggles, "I'm fine Todoroki don't worry about me I'll patch up when we get back to school ok?" She said with a smile,
I smiled and said ok, after we got back we went to the locker rooms but I grabbed Kiada's hand pulled her into a closet used for putting cleaning stuff,

"Um-um T-Todoroki w-why are we in here?!" She said while blushing

" I'm going to help you with your injury's now stay still ok?" I said

She nodded and I cleaned her wounds and wrapped them up. I then looked up and smiled and she did as well,

"Thanks Todorkoi it means a lot!" She said with a smile that can brighten your day with her freckles as well,

" no problems be careful next time" I said with a small smile and a bit of blush I felt.

( one week later)

Izukus pov:

It's been week and I'm surprised no one found out we were the one fighting them and trying to kill All Might, and I also found out the I got a new quirk from when Taken was Punched into the wall, her quirks started to act up and when I try to check on her she grabbed my hand and felt a lot of pain after,

I didn't know what happened but I do know I think I got a new quirk from her or she triggered a new one I don't know I'll ask,

" ok class, damn I'm tired anyway next week will be the sports festival where you get to show off what you got to hero's all over the city and Japan."

'Oh the sports festival hmmm maybe I can do a dramatic speech to Kacchan but then again let's see what happens.' I smirked at the thought

"Ok do whatever right now just don't be to loud." Mr, Aizawa Said then get into his sleeping bag


"Hey what gives!!" I shout

" why are you thinking of telling  Bakugou for at the sports festival." Taken said to me

"Just so he can know how I felt all those years and plus I want to see him with guilt on his face so why not" I said

" ok whatever I'm leaving don't get caught" Taken said while she walks off

" Hey Kaida!! Are you excited for the sports festival!" Uraraka said while many others come too

" oh I'm excited all right, I also have a big surprise as well" I said while giggling

' some day you will see Kacchan'

Ok I hope you like this chapter I might do another one today again cause I'm bored soooo ya bye!

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