Chapter 9

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It's the next day and when we walked in the class sat down I see the person I hated the most.

" I'm coming in like a normal person!!!" All night yelled as he ran in here
"Ok class today we are doing combat Hero vs Villain now get ready cause your hero suits are in your lockers so let's go!!"

We walked to the locker rooms and open it so I started to put my costume on which is my villain on and "hero" on and Taken put hers which is hers villain and hero as well.
( Izukus costume is the one above)

(Takens costume with thigh high socks with red heels)

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(Takens costume with thigh high socks with red heels)

As we were done we went to the battle field and got ready, some were telling others how cool their costume were, "wow Kaida", "that's so beautiful", "wow amazing you two",  "All right people let's get ready for the battle so right now we are going to pair you all up!!"

(Everyone is paired up the same just I'll pair up Kiri with Taken)

When it was time to get in I used ghost to get though while Uraraka went though the window, and I knew that Kacchan might go after me and not Uraraka just so he can prove that he is better and I was right..

I heard sounds coming from the walls so I pushed Uraraka and used ghost so he went though me and smashed into the wall.

"Uraraka go get the bomb and stay focused, Lida might be protecting the bomb!"

She nodded and left leaving me with Kacchan

"I'm going to kill you pink bitch!!!" He said as he was going to hit me with his right arm.

I grab his arm and pull him with all my body strength and slam him on the floor.

And I got down and whispered in his ear with my quirk (Whispers) and said " that's not nice to say Kacchan".... I can see he was ready to cry but froze.

Izuku Midoriya
Quirk: Ghost, Metal Manipulation, and Whispers

Ghost: she can do anything a ghost can and even see other ghost

Metal Manipulation: can control anything that is metal as long as it's close to her or around her area

Whispers: can make people see their fears, like a dream, sleep paralysis, or she can control people by putting them in the dream and control it. 

And Clockwork: can stop time just by looking at them but if she blinks, it goes back to normal.

As I made him have sleep paralysis I can tell he was trying to move but he said something that made me stop.

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