>>3.3<< The Aftermath of the War

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'The Aftermath of the War'
act 3 | scene 3

'The Aftermath of the War'act 3 | scene 3

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"Sin, I have the report." A white-haired male with dark green eyes stepped forward, bowing slightly as 'Sin' glanced up momentarily, nodding as he motioned for him to continue. "The war with the Kou Empire ended seven months ago, and thousands of soldiers on both sides have been killed, fatally injured or taken as Prisoners of War to the Kou."

"That's not good," he hummed, leaning back in his chair, "anything else?"

"Well..." he turned the pages, his forest-green eyes scanning the pages and written accounts, gazing up at him with a slight frown, "we barely won the war, and half of the country has fled... tonnes of other islands, countries and kingdoms have quit trade with Sindria-"

"Hah?!" he whisper-yelled, startling the Generals in the room, banging his hands on the desk as his eyes lit up with fury, "nande, Ja'far?!"

The albino sighed, about to chastise him only for another General to take over.

"Sin, we declared war against the Kou Empire," sighed the light-blue haired female, adjusting her black witch's hat, "naturally, a lot of islands have trade with them, so they all stopped trading with us the minute you decla-are you listening to me?!"

"Yeah," he muttered gloomily, his nonchalant tone irking the General as he whacked him on the back of his head, the purple-haired male yelping out in pain, turning back to face the assassin in protest, "what'd you do that for?!"

"You weren't listening," he pointed out, eye twitching slightly.

"Eh?! I was!" he insisted quickly before falling silent, leaning back and crossing his arms over his chest with a small frown, biting his lower lip.

"What is it now?" sighed Masrur.

"Ne... I just hope that Raelynn-chan's safe..." he uttered in a low voice.

The Generals in the room tensed, feeling extremely guilty for forgetting about the small girl that they had found and raised, teaching her how to fight, eventually having to reluctantly give her up as to not drag her into the mess that was the war that was declared against the Kou Empire too long ago.

"I'm sure she's fine," Yamraiha was the first to speak, albeit quietly, "I mean..." she gazed at her fellow colleagues with a soft smile, "this is Rae-chan we're talking about."

"She's right," agreed Sharrkan, startling both himself and the others around him, "this is probably the only thing we'll ever agree on..." he shrugged helplessly, "but she's a Fanalis! She can defend herself, and I'm sure that whoever she's with is taking great care of her."

"Because if they're not," Sinbad agreed, letting a devilish scowl take over as his Generals, "we're going to another war."



"Itai!! Ja'far, nan-"

"We are not going to another war."

"Ehh?? Demo-"

"We will just lightly punish them."


"Don't underestimate the power of us Generals!!"

"Nah, I say we kill some people."

"What the hell is wrong with you people?!"

"Maa~ it's okay, Ja'far, we know how much you love us~"

"How have I tolerated you lot for this long..."


A kitten-like sneeze drew the Pirates out of their daze, immediately craning their necks to the embarrassed Fanalis. Almost instantly, Chopper was scurrying around her feet and trying to get her to stop training with Yunan (who remained surprisingly calm).

"I-I'm fine-"

"Do you have a fever?! How do you feel?!" questioned spouted out of the reindeer's mouth as she tried to calm him down to no avail, the girl eventually placing her hands on the reindeer's shoulders.

"I'm fine, Chopper-san," she reassured, the reindeer shooting her a slightly sceptical look and exhaled, apologising and stating that he was just worried for her, "maa~ that's fine~"

"But if you get sick-"

"Hai, hai, tell you immediately," she finished, having heard this from both Law and Chopper multiple times. Perking up, she turned to the said doctor who raised a brow, his hands lazily placed behind his head as he leaned back against the wall, his sword placed beside him.

"Ne... Law?"


"You're not part of the Straw-Hat Crew, right?"

He turned to her, slightly confused.

"Hai..." he agreed slowly, unsure of what she was trying to suggest. The girl hummed, returning to her training as Yunan nodded slowly, commanding her to close her eyes and focus all of her Magoi into her chains.

He placed a finger to his lips to silence the other Pirates who were watching in interest.

"Absolute concentration is required for thi-" he began, almost falling over as the ship jerked. Nami, Usopp and Chopper screamed at the top of their lungs as the lights flickered on and off for three minutes before going out. The other Pirates instantly readied their weapons as Yunan turned.

"Raelynn-chan, you can-"

His pale blue eyes widened.

"Where did... Raelynn-chan go?"

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