>>1.5<< The Straw-Hat Crew

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'The Straw-Hat Crew'
act 1 | scene 5

'The Straw-Hat Crew'act 1 | scene 5

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"Ne, ne, Mugiwara-Kaizoku... Trafalgar Law..." the man snickered, the blonde man straightening up as his foot cooled down, the steam gradually simmering down, "you can't beat her. She may just be a gaki, ne, demo... she a descendant of the Fanalis Clan, the legendary warrior tribe!"

"Fanalis?" echoed Robin.

"I've never heard of them," hummed Nami, leaning against a pole as Law treated her wounds mid-battle, albeit it was against his inner rules of not healing allies during battles or disagreements, though he knew that her bruise would slowly start worsening when they returned to Thousand Sunny.

"They're the strongest hunters on the Dark Continent, nobody can stand against the way they dodge all attacks that come their way," he explained, a crazed simper leisurely making its way onto the slave master's face, "their kick is a spear of lightning that pierces even the belly of the King of the Beasts itself, the lion!"

"But the majority of them were sold into slavery," murmured Law.

"Precisely!" he agreed, "and little Rae-chan's foster parents abandoned her..." a mock pout formed, "I only took her in but she stared disobeying my orders and that's how she became my slave~"

Everybody was silent.

"That's pretty bad," Luffy was the first to talk, everybody falling over in shock.

That's all you have to say?!

"Demo..." he paused, "he's been treating you worse since you've been abandoned, right? Did you enjoy living with your foster parents?"

"Ne, Luffy..." Sanji wasn't sure where he was going with this. She nodded hesitantly.

"You wanna see 'em again?"

Everybody anticipated her answer.

"When the hell are you gonna start acting more like a King, ******?!"

"M-my bad, **'***..."

"Honestly, are you two sure you're not married?"

"For sure, you two act like an old married couple~"

"Why would I be married to a bastard swordsman?!"

"You heard the woman, magicians are just lazy bakas!"

She nodded again.

"So c'mon then, what are you waiting for?"

It all went by in a blur.

The man was yelling at her to stay with him, as he informed them that they were Pirates, good-for-nothing people who took advantage of everybody they met. She paused, hesitating between them as Zoro argued that not all Pirates were like that. She turned her gaze to the males who were smiling gently at her, their smiles reminding her of her foster parents. She bit her lip, slowly making her way over but was stopped by Zoro, who stood in front of her and towered over her, ignoring her trembling.

He raised his sword in the air, ignoring everyone's yells and protests before swinging it down and cutting her chains in two.

Her eyes widened as the man opened his eye, smirking down at her.

"There you go, now you can walk properly," he stated, offering to carry her which she declined. He hummed, placing his sword back in its hilt as she continued staring at it, relaxing visibly as she stumbled over the rubble, ignoring his shouts for her to return to him. She spared him one final glance and with that, left him behind and followed the Pirates.

"So... Raelynn-chan, ne?" hummed Nami, "kawaii~"

"A-ano..." stammered the girl, tapping her fingers together timidly as they paused, glancing back; they suddenly yelled out as she bowed, "a-arigato..."

"Nah, don't worry about it," Luffy merely shrugged it off.

"You haven't been eating much, have you?" Sanji's eyes narrowed as she swallowed, shaking her head nervously as her stomach let out a low grumble. Her face flushed as he smirked, lighting his cigarette. "Well, I'll cook up a feast for you when we get back to the ship, and Traffy and Chopper can treat your wounds."

"Cho... pper?"

"They're both amazing doctors!" burst in Luffy, the said man letting out a low 'tch' and informing them that they had to return to the ship before dark, suddenly remembering the log pose. Turning to the blue-eyed navigator, her eyes widened in delight as she let out an ecstatic squeal, the former archaeologist asking her if it had set already. The only response the Pirates received was the girl turning back to them with stars in her eyes; they all sweat-dropped, though all had gotten used to her antics. "Nishishi... let's go back to the Thousand Sunny, we gotta introduce you to everyone else!"

The 'Thousand Sunny' was a large ship and the deck was majorly filled with a lawn, complete with a slide and swing, as well as an observation tower for a crow's nest. A golden lion - in her opinion, it kind of looked like a sunflower - proudly gazed out, a guardian overlooking the oceans that they had sailed.

"Yo, Luffy!" a voice called, the girl craning her neck to see a blue-haired large man waving his arm around, "you guys took your sweet time!"

"Gomen, Franky!" he called back, flashing him his signature grin.

"Who's the kid?" questioned a black-haired man, observing her through his goggles. She timidly hid behind Zoro as he sighed, nudging her forward ever so slightly, a small reindeer yelling out. Nearby, a skeleton sipped his tea as he placed aside his violin, humming a tune as his eyes - not that he had any - were trained on her.

"She's got so many wounds! She needs to be treated, someone call a doctor-" he paused, "I am the doctor..." he turned to Law who immediately got the message and exhaled, "we need to treat her right away!"

She stared in slight awe, gazing around at the rooms as the youngest Vinsmoke prince headed into the kitchens after confirming that she was alright with anything as long as it wasn't spicy.

"Welcome to the Thousand Sunny!"


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