Chapter 1 - Two Months Later

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Dave drove from the airport with his 6 chipmunks to their new home in the beautiful city of Toronto. More of Dave's family lived here, like his brother Bob, which is why Dave moved here. Dave may need some assistance. Dave told them about the really awesome job at the new Walmart, which was very close to their house. Once they got into their new house, Alvin was amazed. He saw a wide floor and some rooms. There was even a tree-house with plumbing for the Chipettes and everything! Alvin thought everything screamed AWESOME in every single direction possible. This house was a new house that was just finished being made nearly 3 months ago.

"Don't you think this is awesome?" Alvin asked his brothers Simon and Theodore as they were figuring out which room to take.

Theodore answered, "I sure am glad we're having a new start here."

"It's very pristine," Simon replied, changing the topic a bit. It really sounds like Simon doesn't want the fire to be mentioned again, Alvin thought. The Chipmunks went up the fuzzy green stairs and saw a huge room. It had the biggest room space and also had a balcony. Suddenly, the Chipmunks heard a truck noise so they went to the room a door down where you could see the driveway. The Chipettes must've heard it too, because they were going to the wooden gate which was another way to get through the backyard. There was a moving truck. The Chipettes went inside to tell the Chipmunks.

"It looks like our stuff that people donated is coming soon," Brittany told them.

And she was correct. A moving van opened up in front of Dave's driveway, driven by Bob.

The Chipmunks and Chipettes watched out the living room window as Dave put a few of the boxes inside. They watched until it was time for bedtime, or at least until it got dark, due to Jeanette thinking there may be animals wandering around like skunks, weasels, and raccoons due to it being nighttime.

"Since we're chipmunks, those are predators to us, and you never know what is going to lurk around in the dark around here." she told her sisters nervously.

Then after that, Dave saw that the Chipmunks weren't sleeping yet.

"Alvin, get to bed. I'm pretty sure it's past your bedtime." Since they didn't have beds yet, they slept and cuddled on a couch in the living room that sold with the house. The Chipettes also had a couch in their tree house to sleep on.

"Good night, Alvin and Simon," Theodore told his brothers that fell fast asleep.

Brittany woke up and the sun was shining oh so bright through the tree house windows. It was going to be a great day. First off, she did her pink makeup. She looked perfectly fine today.

"I look great today," Brittany told herself through the mirror as she applied her pink lipstick.

Dave was unpacking more things for the house bright and early, like the TV, the lamps, the beds, and more. Alvin, Brittany, and Eleanor were kicking around a soccer ball in the yard. Simon and Jeanette were looking for spiders in the tree house due to Brittany's phobia for spiders.

"Oh, I might die because of them," Brittany dramatically told them. "So check if they're poisonous or not."

After they were done looking for spiders, they were going to get windows for the treehouse. Theodore was chatting with the ice cream store owner who sold ice cream across the street about their favourite flavours, recipes, and ideas.

When Simon went into the house to get his book about spiders that he brought in his suitcase, BOOM! He heard a noise right when he found his spider book.

"What's that sound?" Simon wondered out loud. He went downstairs to discover the cause of the bang ouch sound. Simon saw Dave on the floor. "Dave?" Simon shouted. Jeanette and the others came to the scene a minute later. After 2 minutes, Dave got out of his faint. "Dave, I'm calling the hospital." And then Simon called 9-1-1 and got the rest of the Chipmunks. "Guys, Dave sprained his leg again, and he's going to the hospital," Simon told them nervously. "Do you guys know where Theodore is?"

Eleanor answered, "Oh, he told us he was going to go to the neighbour across the street to talk about ice cream." So, Simon went off to see him.

Eleanor was right. Theodore was inside the house across the street, Simon could see through the window.

"It'd be cool if there was a cookies and cream dipped cone," Theodore told Ice Cream Guy.

"Well," Ice Cream Guy started to say.

The doorbell rang. It was Simon. Ice Cream Guy opened up the door for him.

"Um, I'm here for Theodore," Simon told Ice Cream Guy. Simon told Theodore what happened with Dave and that help is coming. "Dave wants us to go with him in the ambulance," Simon told Theodore. "He has something to tell us."

As the chipmunks rode through the ambulance, Dave was getting tests in it., and this was their second time they've been in an ambulance this year. Once they got to the hospital, the nurses didn't let us in until 2 minutes later. Jeanette overheard what Dave was doing.

"Dave is using a telephone," Jeanette reported to the others.

Then Alvin asked, "Why does Dave need so much privacy with a phone call?"

"He might not want us to be devastated that he can't work at Walmart," Jeanette replied. So they waited about 3 more minutes silently.

"You guys can come in now," Some nurse named Kiwi told us. So, we walked in and went on Dave's bed.

"So, what do you need us for?" Alvin asked Dave. Dave smiled and started to tell the Chipmunks something.

"This is a big favour. I want you guys to do your best to get money for me." Alvin thought that he could buy a new skateboard with it.

"I want you guys to try your best with your job. I want you guys to work at Walmart."

"What?" Brittany said. "We aren't capable of these things yet."

"But you will," Dave replied. "You will learn responsibility, and more. And Alvin, NO NEW SKATEBOARD."

"Aw!!!" he sighed.

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