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All of the Chipmunks got out of the car, too tired to unpack and they all just wanted to go to sleep. Theodore fell asleep on Dave's shoulder, and Jeanette was almost going to fall on the pavement. Without Alvin and Simon's arguing, all of the Chipettes would've fallen asleep when they were driving home at such a late time. Dave entered the house, and put Theodore to bed. Alvin and Simon jumped into bed as well, not taking off their clothes.

Dave decided to relax his feet in the chair, watch a romantic movie, and eat some waffles. He took the frozen waffles out of the freezer, inserted them in the toaster, and completely forgot that Alvin and his brothers were using the proper toaster for an experiment. They made a wooden toaster for Dave, not knowing the consequences. He was going to put the toaster away, but he forgot after all the camping and driving, and bickering of Alvin and Simon, the fishing, the sunsets, and the fact that the tents always fell down each night. Dave went back to his chair to relax and watch the romantic television. The girl was about to admit to the boy that she loved him and was getting really close to his face. She wrapped her arm around him and he did the same.

The girl whispered, "I love you."

Dave smelt something burning. Dave went to the kitchen and he gasped. The toaster was on fire! Dave got the fire extinguisher. But that couldn't calm down the fire. The fire was spreading quickly around the kitchen, and Dave ran upstairs to warn his sons. He picked them all up and ran downstairs, and opened the door. He used his cell phone to call the fire department...

Brittany woke to shattering glass windows. She looked out from her and her sisters' treehouse. Brittany saw the Chipmunks' house burn on fire. Jeanette and Eleanor wake up due to more windows breaking. They both went over to Brittany, who was standing near her window.

"Guys, lets go look!" Brittany told them nervously.

Brittany didn't really make good choices. What if they got burnt? The Chipettes all went down the stairs of the treehouse, and saw the fire more closely. 7 fire trucks were coming around the street. In the dark light, they sneaked over to Dave's car.

Eleanor and Jeanette asked, "Hey, are you guys alright?" All of the chipmunks nodded, but they were shaking violently as well.

Theodore whispered, "At least w-w-w-we have c-c-clothes."

The Chipmunks and Chipettes watched the brave firemen spray their hoses on the burning house. Soon, a few ambulances came and took Dave, The Chipmunks, and The Chipettes to the hospital.

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