dance of the nightmare king

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the following day is saturday so school is out and the two teams rwby and jnpr have completed their work and are walking through the streets of vale when blake begins to hear the same music she heard the previous day.

blake: Guys I think i hear the music from yesterday down that street.

As she says this she points down the street leading to junior's.

yang: Isn't that the street that junior's bar is at?

they all decide to investigate further. As they get closer to junior's they notice the long line to enter the bar.

wiess: This circus must've been great business for him.

yang: Looks like it.

ruby: Can we go in the tent?

nora: I want to too.

yang: I guess were goimg in then.

wiess: I'm kinda suspicious of this place.

yang: Wiess you always suspicious, besides you need to loosen up more. This'll be good for you.

wiess: ...Fine let's go.

As they enter the tent they notice very strange looking people ushering people towards the seating area.

As they enter the tent they notice very strange looking people ushering people towards the seating area

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as he usheres them to their  seats the lights suddenly cut out. As they come back on a very tall man is stood in the middle of the pit

 As they  come back on a very tall man is stood in the middle of the pit

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grimm: Thank you all for coming to our show. We have some special guests joining today.

the lights shine on team rwby and jnpr

grimm: These fine people are the ones that summoned us to this kingdom so from all of the troupe. You have our deepest gratitude.

As he says this he bows deeply.

grimm: After the show I would like to personally thank you so please join ime. with that out of the way on with the preformance!

*timeskip till after the show*

grimm: Thank you, thank you! please enjoy the rest of your night. As for our special guests, Brumm shall escort you to me.

Brumm: Please follow me.

as the teams follow brumm the are all wondering what the troupe master means but because of the color palate they assume it has something to do with the lantern they lit yesterday. before they know it they are at the door leading to the troupe master's chambers.

grimm: Please come in.

as they enter they see a very fancy room with elegant decor.

grimm: I must thank you for bringing us here. thanks to you we can begin the ritual.

wiess: See! I told you this is a cult!

grimm: Ohoh far from it my lady. we simply require to do this every time the lantern is lit.

ruby: You mean the one we found in the woods?

brumm: That is correct. you are observant. you will do well in the ritual.

yang: What are you goimg to do? Sacrifice us?

grimm Ohoh no. I am Grimm, master of this troupe.
The lantern has been lit, and your summons heeded. A fine stage you choose, this kingdom fallowed by worm and root, perfect earth upon which our Ritual shall take place.
And you, my friends. Your own part is far from over.
As the lantern flared your role was cast, our compact written in scarlet fire.
Eager we are to see you commence, but first, some illumination is required.
Across these lands my kin now spread, harvesting that essence peculiar to my... breed, the flame in dream.
Seek my kin; claim their flame and return it to me. Together, marvels shall be achieved.
But don't fret small ones. For this task you won't travel alone. As he says this he snaps his fingers. My child shall guide you to the flame and gather within itself that burning essence.
Like you, the child plays key role in this task. Only with it by your side will the flame, and my kin, reveal themselves to you.

ruby: So you want us to take your child and defeat your staff. Sounds easy enough. Come on guys!

as they leave grimm looks back at them.

grimm: I must prepare for our dance.

boom done. yada yada yada. you've heard all this already anyways this'll be the day you almost caught CAPTAIN jack sparrow

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