the grimm troupe

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rwby is owned by rooster teeth and hollow knight is owned by team cherry the mad lads

it was a normal day for the students and teacers of beacon. people were moving about the campus with their own goals running through their heads. the same can be said for teams rwby and jnpr who are meandering and talking amongst themselves. As the teams are talking ruby notices a red glow and faint circusy music emanating from the forest.

ruby: guys, do you hear that?

yang: hear what ruby?

blake: it sounds like...circus music?

nora: ooh! maybe there is a circus in town. I wanna know if they sell pancakes!

ren: nora no!... and there she goes

*POV nora*

as i get closer to the circus i dont see tents. just a lantern in the middle of a clearing. as i try to stop my momentum gets the better of me and i trip and fall onto the lantern. i expected it to fall over. it didn't and instead it exploded kinda but in a red flame and it didn't hurt.

*3rd POV*

as the others catch up to nora they see her standing at what appears to be a lantern. as she goes to poke it ren stops her.

ren: nora! One don't do that again and two, don't touch the spooky lantern thing.

as everyone is focused on nora and ren ruby sneaks to the lantern and slices it expecting it to be easily cut through. what she gets is red flame in her face.


yang: Ruby! Are you ok!?

ruby: Suprisingly yes?

they then noticed the lanterns glow is growing with each attack they deliver. Yang then gets the amazing idea to attack it. As she delivers blow after blow the lantern's light intensifies until it explodes in a final giant burst of flame and circus music.

ruby & pyrrha: Guys i think we should head back.

blake: I agree. We spent a surprising amount of time here and the night grows.

*timeskip by grimm preparing for the dance between him and the ghost (knight)*

*grimm POV*

someone has lit the lantern and summoned us to this place. while it is not dead. it is dying so this shall be perfect for the ritual. Now all that is left is to wait for the one who summoned us.

*ozpin POV*

(ozpin knows about what grimm and his troupe mean for remnant)

DAMMIT! It's to early! the gods said they gave me until i could beat salem. *walks to window overlooking vale, spying the sinister red glow of the troupe next to junior's.* let's hope i can keep them from completing the ritual until i can beat salem.

*salem POV*

( guess who also knows about grimm)

I can work with this. beat ozpin while staving off the troupe. Let's hope i can do this.

*roman (best boi) POV*

Neo suddenly bursts through my door rapidly typing something about a circus and how she wants to go.

(obviously neo is mute so you know the drill)


Roman: Alright alright let me get ready.

*timeskip by neo and roman getting ice cream and going to the show which is ghost and grimm battling*

*3rd POV*

as the show ends neo and roman exit the tent.

Neo: That was fun roman thank you for taking me.

Roman: Don't worry about it neo I was free and haven't spent quality time with you in a bit.

As they continue walking and talking they eventually make it to where their staying and go to their respective rooms and go to sleep

First capter done. lets hope I continue.
thank you for reading and remember that this is the day you almost caught CAPTAIN jack sparrow

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