Pumpkin's Birthday

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Volleyball finished up Pumpkin's special birthday pancakes. "Pumpkin is going to love these..", she said to Steven who was just finishing up pouring a glass of milk. "Yeah, you did really good, they smell great." The girl went to go get Pumpkin.

Pumpkin's POV:
I woke up to a sort of tweeting sound. I, being  curious, looked out the window of my room, and saw the beautiful morning sun, some birds feeding their babies and butterflies fluttering in the air. The sound of humans walking to school, the autumn wind blowing the leaves, it was so amazing.

With the vision still fresh in my brain, I hopped down from my race car and got my apple shaped bag from my closet. The funny thing about having a closet is that since I'm a pumpkin dog, I don't really have any clothes, so the closet serves no real purpose. I then turned to see a pair of legs. "Pumpkin?", it called.

I followed them up to see somebody kneeling down. It was my owner, still in her pajamas. "Good morning Pumpkin. You ready for the day?", she greeted, petting my leafy tail, to which I nodded, letting Mama brush my tail softly to make it look neat.

We walked downstairs as I smelled breakfast. My owners were enjoying their pancakes, even the grumpier one, who was VERY grumpy most of the time. "Today is a very special day. Can you guess what it is?", Pearl asked me as she put me in my highchair. I tried to remember. Today was something, but I just couldn't put my paw on it. Whatever the occasion, my owners were especially happy. "Why don't you go bring in the paper when you're done eating?", my favorite owner recommended.

She then stood up and let me out of my highchair as I finished up my pancake. I then went outside and walked to the curb, picking up the newspaper with my tail. Walking inside, I handed Mama the newspaper. "Good boy.", she praised as she pet me. She carried me to the couch, letting me sit next to her. "You know why everyone's so happy today?"

Again, I couldn't quite recall, so I shook my head. "So, today's your birthday!"

I barked joyfully. "Happy birthday Pumpkin!", she praised. "Or... is it your sprouting day, since you're a pumpkin?" She wrapped her arms around me. "Happy... day!"

"Pumpkin,", the smarter but youngest owner continued. "We're so proud of you... you're already five years old, I can't believe it!", Steven exclaimed praising me, the vegetable.

"We have some presents for you after school."

Nobody's POV:
At school when Pumpkin got to the doors, he waved to Volleyball and walked to the now mostly automatic doors. After walking to Mrs Quartz's room, the entire class wished him a happy birthday as he walked to his seat. "Good morning Pumpkin, and good morning to everybody else. Since it's a Friday, and Pumpkin's birthday...", Mrs Quartz started, walking to her desk.

Pumpkin was anticipating watching the Spongebob Squarepants Movie, since he loved Spongebob. However, she instead played Toy Story. "We'll be watching a movie and after finishing the movie, we'll be having a special treat I baked myself."

Although Pumpkin wished it were Spongebob, he did enjoy the movie, it was quite funny.

When it came time for the snack, he was expecting it to be a strawberry cupcake, all for himself. While that was the case, as there was strawberry cupcakes, he had to share them with the class. Again, he was fine with that, although he wished he could have them all.

As Pumpkin finished his cupcake, Volleyball came in. "Hey there birthday boy. Ready to go home?" He barked joyfully. "You had fun, didn't you?", Mrs Quartz asked. Pumpkin nodded. "Enjoy your birthday, and I'll see you in a few days."

Pumpkin got home from school. It was a great day, even though they didn't quite watch Spongebob. They didn't have homework either since it was first grade.

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