Chapter Ten

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"Leave, please. Thank you." She said softly to the messenger, who bowed his head to her before leaving. She looked back towards Tyrion, who had moved towards her and had grabbed her hand.

"Arya you need to be in bed, and you need to calm down, stress is not good for the baby." She nodded at him.

"I will get back in as soon as I am sure that the whole letter has burned, will you please find Jaime? We all need to talk."

King's Landing

"Your majesty, Lord Brandon Stark and four men are outside the red keep, calling for Prince Rhaegar to 'come out and die.' What would you have us do your majesty?" Ser Barristan Selmy asked from the steps of the Iron Throne. King Aerys II Targeryen stared down at him from above as he contemplated the question. He knew that his son had been plotting with the other high lords of Westeros to overthrow him, and while the death of his son would be beneficial for him, because it would remove any competition for the throne, he also knew that treason could not go unpunished. And with Rhaegar making an idiotic mistake by taking the Stark whelp, Rhaegar will probably be killed over the woman anyway. Might as well use this as a show of strength.

"Arrest Lord Stark and his men for plotting the murder of their Prince. And then have Maester Pycelle send ravens to their fathers to answer for their sons' charges." Ser Barristan hesitated for a moment before slowly nodding and leading Ser Lewyn Martell to arrest the men that were still yelling for the Prince to come to them, not realizing he was not in King's Landing. Ser Jonothor Darry was the remaining Kingsguard remaining to protect the King, as Ser Arthur Dayne and Ser Oswell Whent were protecting Prince Rhaegar, wherever he was, and Ser Gerold Hightower was protecting Queen Rhaella and Prince Viserys.

The Mad King was unconcerned with his protector however, as he started to speak. Ser Jonothor almost turned to respond to the King, until he realized he wasn't talking to him, he was talking to himself.

"When the Lord Rickard arrives, I will remove him. Perhaps I shall burn him? I will burn them all! I am the dragon! My son wants to kill me... maybe I should show Lord RIckard the treachery of sons? I believe if I give him the option to die and save his father, or live, Lord Brandon would not save his father. Why would he? Sons are treacherous, and they believe they are better than their fathers. But no matter, all sons will die, I will burn them all! The only one left in this world will me! Because I am the dragon! Ser Jonothor! Burn them!"

Ser Jonothor turned around to look at the Mad King.

"Who your majesty?"

"Burn them! Burn them all! Burn them! Burn them!"

The Mad King's screams rang through out the castle as Prince Viserys watched his father slowly unravel from the wing. And below the Red Keep, Lord Brandon Stark and his men were screaming for Prince Rhaegar as Ser Barristan and Ser Lewyn along with Targaryen men pulled them down to the dungeons where they would wait for their fathers to come and answer the charges, but King Aerys already has a plan for them, that has nothing to do with answering charges.

And in the Red Mountains of Dorne, in the Tower of Joy, Prince Rhaegar was enjoying his new wife, as Princess Elia of Dorne was no longer his wife, due to a helpful annulment by a Septon. Instead, Princess Lyanna Stark was now sharing his bed, and unbeknownst to her, a rebellion was being sparked in her name by the man meant to be her husband, who believed that she was abducted, instead of rescued from the life she never wanted.

Perhaps if she had not been so enamored with her new husband she would have sent a raven to her brothers and sister to tell them that it had been her choice, and perhaps thousands of men would not die in the battles that would rage around her honor. She probably would have been disowned by her father for loving a previously married man, who was not her betrothed, but at least she would have been alive, and perhaps her new husband would have lived through the rebellion, and maybe her son would have been raised as a Targaryen, instead of the Stark bastard.

April Year 285 - Casterly Rock

"It's over!" Tyrion yelled, running into Arya and Jaime's bedroom, where they were too engrossed with their new son to really hear what he said. Arya looked up dazedly. She had her son eight months previous, but she, as well as her husband, were both still as enamored with baby Tywin as they were when he was born. When she found Tyrion's eyes, she realized that he was panting and his face was red. Jaime looked up as well, looking at Arya first before looking at his brother.

"I'm sorry Tyrion, what did you say?" Arya asked quietly, trying not to wake their little angel.

"It's over, father led his men to storm King's Landing with your brother, Jon Arryn and Robert, and Eddard killed the King. They are still searching for your sister, and they haven't found the Queen or Prince Viserys. And in the letter, father said that according to Lord Varys, the Queen is pregnant again. Father said that he has sent Sandor Clegane to find Cersei, who was supposed to be at Dragonstone, and Gregor Clegane with some fifty men, to Dorne to find Princess Elia and her children. I received another letter from Robert, who said that while he is reigning in King's Landing, your brother is going to Dorne to find your sister. And Robert wants us to come to King's Landing in haste to swear allegiance to him as our King. He wants all loyal to him to swear allegiance so he can ride out again to make the Targaryen loyalists kneel to him." Arya and Jaime sat for a moment in shock, trying to let everything sink in, as they knew their world had just changed. Arya looked over at Jaime for a moment, letting a smile break through before she looked back over at Tyrion who was smiling as well now.

"It's over?" She asked breathily, wanting to make sure.

"It's over Arya. The Mad King, and Prince Rhaegar are dead. And anyone else that has tried to hurt our family, I am sure, will die soon. It's over. We are safe." And they were, for a good sixteen years.

A/N: Hey guys!! So this was all written by AGoldenLannister, I hope you all enjoyed it! This series will continue in the next book:  Armies of Summer which I will start posting right now! 

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