Chapter One

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Jaime Lannister hated his father. 

He never wanted to be a husband. 

He has never wanted anything in life, except to be with his dear sister Cersei, and to be a Knight. He thought he had it all figured out; he was going to be in the Kingsguard, he would be with his sister and be a Knight. And then his planned was ruined, like all plans inevitably are. 

His father came home after a long stay at court, where he is Hand to the King, and informed him that he has made a match between Jaime and Lord Rickard Stark's youngest daughter, and that no, there is no way out of it, and yes, he will have to marry her. So, now, instead of being a Knight for the rest of his days, he will now be Lord Jaime Lannister, Lord of Casterly Rock and Warden of the West. Additionally, instead of being with Cersei, he is now tethered to a woman who he has never met.

"Father... is this really necessary? You have another heir, why can I not do what I wish and just be a Knight?" Jaime mumbled to his father as they were waiting near the gates of Casterly Rock for the woman to arrive.

Tywin Lannister is a relatively patient man. At least, he is compared to how impatient he believes he could be. Tywin believes that the family legacy is the most important thing, and no one, not even him, should be allowed to affect the Lannister name in a negative way.

"Yes this is necessary. You are my first born. Not that monster you call your brother. I would never give Casterly Rock to that wretch of a being, and you will not forsake your family or your people. Not everything is about you. Think of this girl the next time you open your mouth. You get to stay in your home. She has had to leave her home. Her family. Her people. Everything she has ever known since the day she was born to come here and be your wife. You will be respectful. You will be loving. And you will protect her from everything, including from your selfish person. And you will especially protect her from Cersei. I know you two have had a special relationship, and that she is protective of you, and you of her. But you will not allow Cersei to bully Arya Stark in any way. Do you understand?" Lord Tywin lectured Jaime while staring at the entrance, until the ending. Then Tywin turned to Jaime to stare into his eyes with his piercing green orbs. Jaime was suddenly very uncomfortable, he had never heard his father talk so much at once in his life, and was confused as to why he became so passionate about a Stark woman.

Jaime had never been able to deny his father anything, no matter how much he loathed him. So he nodded, and looked back towards the gate, where he could see soldiers in gray approaching. She was here. Jaime sighed and stood up straight, rolling his shoulders back and wiggling just a bit so that his crimson cloak would fall correctly behind his back. He ran his fingers through his hair, pushing it back. He had gotten a trim the day before so that he 'wouldn't look like a wildling' anymore and now it kept falling out of the braid he normally put his long hair in.

The Stark men were still coming through the gate into the courtyard where the Lannister men were standing. Jaime sighed loudly, he has always hated waiting. Tywin heard the sigh and looked over at Jaime sharply. Jaime frowned and took a deep breath in before looking back at the gates, deciding to try not to anger his father any more that day. Jaime stood there for about four more minutes watching the entrance before a carriage finally passed through the gates. Tywin took a step forward so he was slightly ahead of his eldest son and then proceeded to lock his hands behind his back while he waited for the lady to exit the carriage.

Arya Stark wanted to puke. Her stomach had been churning the last four days on their ride from Winterfell to the Westerlands. Her brother Eddard, who she called Ned, had travelled with her to her new husband's house to watch over her until the wedding was over, and confirm that Ser Jaime was treating her with all the care a man is supposed to show his wife. 

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