After several hours Jaime and Arya had finally finished getting ready for the day and had breakfast, well really it was more of a brunch, as it was almost lunch time when they finally ate anything. After eating Jaime offered his arm to Arya, which she took automatically, and he began to lead her to the library. They talked about unimportant things on the way there, like the weather and how Jaime liked her outfit. When they arrived Jaime opened the door for her and when they walked in they saw that Tyrion was already sitting in the library with several books splayed out around him.

"Hello brother." Jaime said happily, leading Arya into the room while she looked around spell bound. The Lannister library was situated in a circular room, with tall ladders going up to the ceiling. The room went up several floors, and Arya was sure she would need to have other people fetch books for her if she needed one from too high up and she was deathly terrified of heights. Tyrion smiled up at Jaime from what he was reading and then glanced over at Arya, who was still looking around with a funny look on her face.

"Arya? Are you alright love?" Jaime said softly, looking at her, concerned after realizing she hadn't greeted Tyrion. She looked at him and then, before either of them knew what she was doing, she was throwing her arms around him and squealing happily.

"Oh Jaime it's beautiful! It's so much better than a dream! I can't believe this is your library! Why didn't you bring me here yesterday?! It's fantastic! Oh I can't believe I am going to live in a place with such an amazing library! Oh Jaime thank you thank you thank you!" Arya was kissing him now. Jaime was in shock. He didn't do anything except bring her to a room full of books and she had thrown herself on him, and was kissing him. In front of his brother! What happened to the girl that was afraid to sit on his lap in a somewhat concealed alcove?! Jaime kissed her back, of course, and wrapped his arms around her waist so she didn't have to hold herself up by his neck anymore. When she pulled away she spun out of his arms and started to look around again. Jaime looked over at Tyrion.

Tyrion found this woman marvelous. Not only was she making Cersei absolutely crazy with jealousy, but apparently she had ensnared Jaime's heart, and made him completely forget about their witch of a sister. Tyrion looked over at his brother with the biggest smile on his face.

"I like her." He said shortly, looking away from Jaime to look back at the girl who was running around the library like she would be able to see every book there just by running by it. Jaime, unable to help himself, watched her as well.

"I do too brother. I do too."

After an hour or two of sitting there watching his woman and his brother rave about history, there was a knock on the library door. When they called for whoever it was to enter, Jaime saw that it was his father's squire. He raised an eyebrow at the boy, as he was looking at him directly.

"Lord Tywin wishes to speak with you in his chambers Ser Jaime." The squire said softly, so as not to interrupt the lady and the dwarf who had not stop talking when he entered. Jaime scowled but nodded. He didn't want to leave Arya, he knew Tyrion wouldn't do anything to her, but he didn't know where Cersei was, and she definitely would. Besides, she was just so interesting. He didn't want to leave her side for even a moment. He sighed, standing up. Arya sensed his movement and looked over at him, to where he was now standing behind her. He eyebrows furrowed in confusion, not even having realized the squire had come in.

"I'm sorry Jaime, were we boring you? We can talk about something else..." She said, trailing off when he shook his head at her with a smile.

"No love, I've been summoned to go speak with father. I'll be back in a few minutes. Stay here with Tyrion?" He said the last part desperately, as if he didn't want her to go anywhere. She wondered why that was but nodded anyway. His smile looked relieved, and he bent down and give her a sweet kiss before turning and leaving silently out the door. Once in the hallway Jaime set his face into the stoney facial expression that was his everyday mask in the "before Arya" time of his life, it was what people were used to seeing, and it is the face his father expects when talking with his children.

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