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The doctor leaves, and Jace looks at me with a smile on his face. "So, I've brought some clothes for you, but I had a problem picking out...urhm.", he says with faint pink on his face. I smile and say,"Thank you, Jaceyy!", I reply, understanding whatt he means.

"Do you need help, going to the bathroom?",he askes. I nod, sitting up on my bed, with my legs hanging off the bed. He walks towards me, takes my hand and puts it around his neck. He picks me up, bridal-style and I could smell the spicy cinnamon coming from his cologne.

He places me gently next to a basin, where the dress, underwear and all necessary things are and I place all my weight on the un-wounded leg. "I'll be waiting out, Call me if you need help.", he says winking at me.

I blush and close the door, not locking it. I slip out of the Hospital gown and use my crutches, careful not to put pressure on the Injured leg. I take a quick shower, grabbing the steel pole to assist me for walking, limping my way back to change.

I wipe my body, slowly and gently and I put on my underwear, then my summer dress on.

I call for Jace, and he opens the door, peeking in with his eyes closed."You're done, princess?", he askes and I smile,"Yesss, Let's gooo home!" Home..? I have no home. I could go to Cassie's...

"Hey, Jace.", I ask slowly. He sits on the hospital chair, and replies with,"Yup?"

"Can we please go out for Ice-cream?", I plead and he grins, "Sure, princess. Why not."

He grabs the crutches from beside the counter table, and hands them to me. "Here. You have to get used to them.", he says and I hold them, And Jace shows me how to walk with it.

Once I get a hold of it, I smile. And he says,"Okay, princess. Let's go." And we walk out the door, with his hand on my lower back, I feel my face heat up.

"Cassie said that she'll come see you after school, Oh and I called in sick for you.", he says. "Thank youu."

We exit the hospital and he helps me to get into his blue, slick BMW, placing the crutches in the back seat.

"Alex...So about your house, It was actually sold last month and I tried getting it back, but the owners wouldn't budge, So I moved alll your belongings to a room, at... my house.",he says and my eyes widen. "I really hope you don't mind, Princess. You'll be safe with me...Okay?", He finishes.

"Urhm..yes. Sure. I really don't want to intrude, Jace. I could stay with Cassie. It's really no problem. But Thank you.",I say. He smiles back and says with humour in his voice,"No! It's okay, you can stay with me."

I giggle and look at him, but the veins popping out from his arms, catches my attention. "Watch it, Princess. You're drooling.", he laughs. I glare at him and slap his arm playfully.

We arrive at the Ice-cream store and he hands me his phone, "Keep yourself busy. I'll be back now. Urhm.. Chocolate and mint Ice cream?", he askes. "Thanks! And yesss, you remembered.", I look at him with adoration, while he closes the door.

I open his phone and go to the game section. Surprising he even has a game folder.

I play 'Candy Crush' for a few minutes, hearing the car door open. I smileat Jace, and say,"Thank youu." He smiles back, handing me the ice cream cup and he closes the door, eating his plain chocolate cone.

"Hey, Princess. You wanna go somewhere great? It's a place I discovered while going on my daily runs, we could watch the sunset?", he says and I get excited, nodding my head really quick.

We talk about the most random things and I feel as if I could tell Jace anything. I trust him with my life.

Once we were done eating, Jace started the car, and we were on our way to this mystery place.

(A/N: One chapter left!!)

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