Charlie imagine for Megan

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I just got a text from my best friend Charlie. It said 'Hey Megan would you like to hang at my house today' I started to smile, cause I've really missed hanging out with him. 'Sure, when can I come over' I texted back 'You can come now if you want'. I braided my hair, and put on some comfy clothes. There was walking distance to Charlie's house from mine, so I hurried over to his place, cause I couldn't wait to see him again. I almost didn't reach to knock his door, before he opened it. "Hi" he says as he pull me in for a hug "Oh, hi Charlie I've missed you too" I giggled. "After you" he said "Thanks" I said and hung my coat on a hanger. "Hi Megan, it's a long time since we saw you last" Julie said when I met her in the kitchen "Hi, yes it is, it's great to be back" I laughed and so did she. "So why did you want me to come over?" I asked when we entered his room. "Just missed my best friend, something wrong with that?" Charlie replied "No no, I was just wondering" I said with my hands up in defence. "Maybe we could play some FIFA, like in the good old days" he suggested "Go idea, so I can smash you again, like I used to" I teased him "Haha, you're so funny" he forced a laughe which caused me to laugh even harder. "Here's your controler" he said as he threw it at me and hit me in the head "Ouch, that hurts" I laugh "Oh I'm so sorry Megan, are you okay?" he sounded worried "Yeah I'm fine, but next time aim just a bit better" I giggled so did he when he realized I was okay. "So what team do you wanna be?" he said already chose the team he wanted to be "Uhm, now when you picked Manchester United i'm just gonna be Liverpool" I replied. "Aha, 1 - 0 to me" Charlie cheered "Don't get too excited already, the match is not finished yet" I said offended cause I should be leading it from the start "Ha 1 - 1 now Jones, you better pick youself together or this will end like a nightmare for you" I shouted. 'It's weird how me and Charlie act like kids when we're together, maybe he likes me too.. Nah i don't think so' I thought to myself when I suddenly heard a happy Charlie in the background "Oh yeah baby 2 - 1, I'm beating you this time" he laughed. "2 - 2 you don't sound that happy anymore" I teased. "Ohh 2 - 3" I said. "In your face, Jones" I said as the match ended "Aww, is little Charlie mad" I teased pinching his cheeks "Stop Megan or.." he was thinking "Or what?" I asked impatient "Or I'll tickle you" he finally answered "Bring it on" I said not expecting him to do it. "Ahh.. stop... Charlie.. or" I said in laughter "Or what?" he asked "Or.. I'll.. call... for... your... mum" I couldn't stop laughing. "Ouch" I said when me and Charlie fell to the ground. When I finally was able to open my eyes I saw Charlie lying on top of me. "Megan.." he starts off "What?" "Uhm, I really like you and was wondering if you're feeling the same?" he asked nervouse, expecting a no "Yeah I do, I've liked you for so long, I just didn't have the guts to tell you" I said a bit shy. Suddenly I felt his lips against mine, and I definitely didn't hesitate to kiss him back. "Aww a new couple" we heard someone say "Mum" Charlie screamed as he realized it was Julie standing in the doorway "What I was just taking a picture to show the family" she laughed "Leave" he said embarrased. I started to laugh when he made her leave and she closed the door. From that day me and Charlie were known as Chargan.

A/N: Sorry if this sucked, and I know the ship name isn't the best but yeah.. Hope you liked it :) Xx

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