James imagine for Thea

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You were on a plane, heading to Hawaii with your boyfriend through 3 years James.

You and James just landed in the airport on Hawaii. You got straight to the cab, that should drive you to your hotel. The driver kept talking to you, in a language that you didn't understand. He finally pulled up in front of the hotel.

"Wow, this gorgeous" you said smiling from one ear the other "But not half as gorgeous as you" he smirked "You're so cheesy".

Before dinner, you and James decided to go to pool. When James showed off his muscular body, you couldn't stop yourself from starring "You look great too" he teased.

You and James where the only people by the pool.

You just swam back and forth in the lukewarm water. "Th-Thea help me" i suddenly heard James scream behind me, when you turned you saw him almost drowning. You swam as fast as you could, "Ha ha got you" "You're such a idiot" you laughed "But now i've captured your attention" you did'nt even manage to say a word before you felt his lips pressed against yours. Things started to heat up and the next thing you know is that you were topless, and it only got more intimated from that.

- Two Days After -

It was the day you've been most excited about out of the hole trip. You and James were going to swim with dolphins. "Jaaaames, wake up baby" "No, not now honeybee" he said in his hot morning voice. You took a shower and you were singing so loud that you did'nt realize James has joined you. "Is it alright if i stand here, Thea" you screamed like a little girl when he started talking "Yes of cause, babe" you kissed him on the cheek.

"That was the best time of my life so far" you said to him after you got back to your hotel room after swimming with dolphins "Yeah, it was fun, but do you know what i find more fun" he asked while relaxing on the bed, you sent him the most flirty blick you could, and he just started to laugh "What" you asked confused "Don't do that" he said teasing, in the end he was on top of you.

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