How you met

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Started out cringe but I'm updating every chapter slowly because I'm doing this to a lot of my books.

It was just a normal for Y/N. As the young girl was walking to the courtyard to meet up with her younger musa she heard battle noises and sense dark magic. she quickly went to see what was wrong. When Y/N got to where her younger sister and her friends are she saw four men. And the H/C girl saw her beloved sister on the ground and she ran to her but the red haired one grabbed her hand and held her hostage for a short moment

Ogron: well well wizards look who we have here another little fairy


Y/N's shout caught the winx and they went into a freeze for a bit. The shock quickly became a relief as help has arrived.

Gantlos: Well ogron looks like she is a feisty one

Y/N got of out of ogron's grip ran to her sisters side quickly checking for any bruises. To make this a more fair fight Y/N transforms into her enchantix forms. Y/N and the winx fought the wizards and sadly lost but a new problem had occurred. They need to find the last earth fairy before the wizards did.


In gardenia was a strange girl who was known to tame unknown animals called pokemon. She was supposedly rumored to be from another world. When people are being chased down by a pokemon they usually go to her. That girl was named Y/N L/N she was known as the pokemon master for her talent or well that's what everyone says. One day Y/N was walking and she heard a man screaming and she ran to see what was going on and she saw a man with blonde and being attacked by a mightyana. Y/N ran the pokemon and calmed it down and it left and then the H/C girl went to help the man up

Y/n: are you okay sir?

Y/N helped him up from the ground

Gantlos: yeah a I'm okay thanks for saving me I'm gantlos you must be the famous Y/N from another world

Y/n: yeah that's a long story but in a nutshell I got lost in an ultra wormhole and now I'm stuck here.

There was an awkward silence. And Gantlos left in an instant. However Y/n had a feeling this won't be their only encounter.


Y/N another dimensional portal accident throwing a tantrum again thanks to the twins mephisto and praxina.

Y/n: Those good for nothing twins got me trapped here! Can't they just loose their job already!

Y/N was an ephidian and the daughter of gramorr she had issues with the twins mainly mephisto cause he is the weakest out of the two. What the enraged girl didn't know is that someone was watching her

Anagan: wow you are in a really bad mood

Y/N froze and looked for the owner of the voice. She caught sight of the man who was leaning against the near by wall with his arms crossed.

Y/n: and who are you spying on me?!

Anagan: well let's just say you were being to loud and I can tell you are not a witch so what are you

the man started walking towards the H/C girl but was blasted back from one of her spells.

Y/n: I'm an ephidian and our magic comes from well I was born with it and I have a transformation that I can activate by saying my name and my realm and I am working for my father to take my world over by preventing the princesses from getting gems called orical gems but the stupid twin always makes us lose to them even tho my dad taught them powerful spells to help us get one simple gem

What Y/N said got the man kinda got confused about what she ment and Y/N noticed this and said

Y/n: ok what I mean is that I came from a plant called ephidia and I came from the realm of K/N and my father decided to take over ephidia by getting rid of the royale families of all the kingdoms in ephidia so basically he did that and the queen of ephidia sent her daughter iris who is the exact age as me here to earth to stay safe from my dad and he sent me here with the twins mephisto and praxina to help me stop two girls named Talia and Auriana from finding her but they did and now they are trying to find orical gems to fix up the queens crown and stop my dad and probably sent me back home for my mom to scold me for what I did but suddenly I got trapped in a portal that took me here and now I'm stuck here

Anagan: okay now I get it, I'm anagan by the way

Y/n: I'm Y/N

The two parted ways still confused about the encounter.


It was dark out when Y/N was in the forest trying to find a way to speak with Lady Grandma and the rest of her fellow knights. She wasn't fond of this forced separation from that rampaging sorcerer who stole a soul. Now lost in this strange world she has no clue how to survive. Just as luck would have it she spotted a human wizard near by, using what magic she had left she obtained knowledge of this world using his experiences to forge a proper mind to assimilate herself into earths current culture. With a brave display she played the perfect defenseless girl.

Y/N: excuse me sir, I can't seem to find my way to the city. Would you mind helping me?

Duman: Sure, whatever names Duman don't care if you remember me or not

The tricked worked and Y/N now had someone she can use as a valuable source of information and potentially a power source to solve the magic crisis. Duman practically had no clue on what she was, nor did he care since he had no use of her yet. She followed him straight to the city and departed ways. Now she just needed to find out how to get home.

Got lazy at the end but it is what it is.

wizards of the black circle boyfriend scenario (under severe editing)Where stories live. Discover now