Ch. 10 - ODM Gear and Kicks

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The next morning, I was up and ready with no complaint. I was very excited for training today. We were finally going to test out the ODM gear. The main thing we're supposed to use against the titans.

All of us lined up and received our ODM gear. I strapped on my gear and noticed we didn't have the blades with it. I guess we'll use those in future training.

"Alright maggots. You're to use the equipment you've received in the forest for an hour. If you're incapable of using it, then get the hell out of the training corps," pur instructor yelled. "While in the forest you are to retrieve five pieces of red fabric, spread out all over the area. If you are unable to do this in the time limit, you're on stable duty for the next month."

"Yes sir!" We all replied and saluted him.

Everyone then raced off into the forest, beginning to try and figure out the ODM gear we have been learning about since we began training. Jean was already off and eventually people followed suit. I finally figured out with trigger did what and was finally confident in my abilities. I pulled the trigger, releasing the grapple and used the gas to shoot myself into the sky.

"Woo hooo!" I yelled as I began to swing through the trees. "Oh wait. Red fabric. Right."

I began to search in the trees for anything red. After frisking through several trees I had finally gotten three. Then I decided to search on the ground. I found another one and then noticed others beginning to head back to the instructor. I sighed and then shot back up in the air, searching for a flag.

I finally spotted one and raced towards it. As soon as I grabbed it though, someone ran into me. We collided and my back hit the tree. Before I could fall someone grabbed my arm and pulled me to them.

"(Y/N)! Are you alright? I'm so sorry I didn't see you. I was so focused on the flag!"

I knew that voice. I looked up to see the person holding me was Reiner. Why was I not surprised. I sighed and pushed away from him, standing on a branch.

"It's fine," I replied and was about to take off.

"Wait!" He called and grabbed my arm before I could leave. "Is there anything I can do to make it up to you?"

"No. I've got somewhere to be," I responded coldly and pulled away from his grasp. "I'll accept your apology when I'm ready. It's not up to you to help decide how I feel."

With that, I took off and headed back to instructor Shadis. I arrived and gave him all five of the fabrics I collected.

"Very well done. You are dismissed," he said.

I nodded in response and then headed off. I decided to see who else had finished as well. I noticed Sasha, Marco, Connie, and Jean standing together so I walked over.

"Hey Sasha. Want me to teach you some moves?" I asked with a smile.

"Yes!" She declared in response.

"Could we join you," Marco asked and smiled his angelic smile.

"Of course. I might need a partner to help demonstrate on," I stated and then began to walk off with the others following me.

We arrived at the sparring grounds and stood in front of them.

"I'll show you some moves Sasha and then you can practice them with one of the boys," I informed her. "I need a volunteer."

"I volunteer," Jean said immediately after I asked. 

He made his way over and stated, "I'll make sure to go easy on you. Since you're trying to help Sasha."

I smirked and replied, "Thanks Jean."

We got into fighting stances and I watched him carefully. I then went to punch him, but it was only a facade. He paid more attention to my upper half than my lower, since it appeared I was going to punch. As he went to block, I pulled back at the second and swept his leg out from under him, making him fall to the ground.

"That one is kind of a fake out," I stated and helped Jean up. "If you're able to get your opponent onto their back, you then have the upper hand. I'll give another example, Jean, punch at me."

Jean huffed and then nodded, realizing he just volunteered to be a punching bag. He went to punch and I grabbed his arm, twisting it and then flipping him onto the ground.

"And that's another one," I said proudly. "Now try it on Connie."

This went on for a while. I would show some moves and Sasha would test them out. In a way, the boys were learning some stuff too. After about an hour, I decided that it was enough for today.

The others headed off to the dining hall, but Jean stayed behind. This kind of surprised me.

"Can I help you Jean?" I asked curiously.

"I just wanted to say, I'm sorry that I underestimated your abilities," he apologized.

I nodded and responded with, "Your apology is accepted."

"Oh," Jean said surprised. "I thought you wouldn't forgive me. Kind of like Reiner."

"Well, you learned your lesson and understand now," I replied.

"What is Reiner supposed to learn," Jean questioned.

"He's supposed to learn…." I began, but then stopped.

What is he suppose to learn? To not throw people off cliffs, to remember to knock, or maybe pay more attention to his surroundings.

I sighed and stated, "It's my personal business Jean. So please stay out of it."

Jean nodded and then walked away. I huffed and stared down at the ground. Was I just being petty now?

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