Ch. 47 - What They Know

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Twelve Hours Before The Rescue

"What is it Section Commander?" Eren asked and him, Armin, and Mikasa walked into the meeting room.

There stood Hange along with Sasha and some other scouts members.

"Oh, well," Hange said as she looked away from some papers she was holding. "I was able to get my hands on the background report for Annie Leonhart."

"Annie's?" Eren questioned.

"Yeah," she responded. "It's taken so long to get this report because managing these reports is such a big mess right now. According to this, there are two others belonging to the 104th cadet corp who came from the same area as her. Those two are Reiner Braun and Bertholdt Hoover."

Everyone in the room was in complete silence as Hange gave them this information.

"Thanks to the incident five years ago pretty much all of their family records are spotty or missing," she mentioned. "However, during there long range scouting mission, their unit was given false information. They were among those who were personally told that Eren was in the right wing."

"The female titan attacked from the right wing," Armin pointed out.

"Huh? What does that mean?" Sasha asked.

"That it was possible they passed that information over to Annie," Armin stated.

"Wait. Why would they tell Annie?'" Sasha said confused.

"Hey, hold on a minute, Armin. You can't just say-" Eren began but was cut off.

"I know that Eren. By itself, that's not enough to prove anything," Hange interrupted. "So, just in case, I'd like to hear from you how these three interacted during training. Know anything?"

"I knew Reiner and Bertholdt were from the same place, but they never seemed close to Annie," Armin mentioned.

"I agree. I don't recall ever seeing the pair talking to Annie that much. Annie didn't talk that much in the first place, unless she was with..." Eren added on and had a realization. "But, all of them were very close to one person....(Y/N)."

"That's true. When (Y/N) wasn't with Ymir and Christa. She was either with Annie, Reiner, or Bertholdt most of the time," Mikasa pointed out.

"I'm glad you mentioned this," Hange said. "Because I also did some digging on (Y/N)."

"W-What?" Sasha said confused.

"I doubt she has anything to do with this," Armin commented.

"Well, I found her files and it tells of her adopted family in Trost," Hange said. "But it was surprising to find that all of her personal information was the same as someone who was thought to be long dead."

"Thought to be dead," Eren said shocked. "So, she could be an imposter and impersonating someone."

"No. Very unlikely. (Y/N) doesn't seem the type to do such a thing," Armin stated.

"I agree with Armin," Hange said. "Because (Y/N) Reisen is actually (Y/N) Reiss..."

" the noble family?" Moblit asked, finally speaking.

"That is correct," Hange said. "It was said that the family except for the father was wiped out. But, I guess (Y/N) was able to escape."

"So, we have a noble and possibly two shifters in our midst," Armin pointed out. "Could they be connected?"

"I doubt that (Y/N) had any part in taking down the walls, but she could possibly be involved with other things," Hange theorized. "Levi. She's among the groups who were supposed to evacuate the villages and check the wall for holes, correct?"

"Yes. She was also the one who we told the plan to involving Stohess and we're trusting her to watch her comrades to see if she could find out who the titans are," Levi mentioned. "That trust might have been misplaced, since Annie got away and we have no idea where she could be."

"On our expedition, (Y/N) immediately called Annie's titan a she," Armin remembered. "I knew it was intelligent, but (Y/N) instinctively knew they were a shifter. It's possible she didn't know it was Annie at the time, but figured it out since at the meeting for Stohess she didn't disagree with the fact it was Annie."

"Annie did say she knew our plans," Mikasa stated. "(Y/N) could have told her somehow."

"Something else Annie said has also been stuck in my mind," Armin added. "She said 'The Queen herself pardoned me.' What could she possibly mean?"

"Let's not think about that right now," Mikasa responded.

"It is possible, but do not make assumptions right now. Be cautious and don't mention any of this to them. Make sure you don't suspicious that we have this information and make no mention of Annie Leonhart. Whether they are her accomplices or not we need to confine them underground as soon as possible," Hange order. "Does everyone understand?"

"Yes!" Everyone responded.

Everyone then got ready and headed out towards Wall Rose, in the direction of Utgard castle.

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