Chapter 3

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In the Tavern, Jaune and Qrow were sitting down while Russel, Dove and Sky were already drunk and were going crazy around.

Qrow: Well at least they are enjoying themselves, you should join them.

Jaune: No thank you I don't want to be a part of this.

Bartender: Hello, do you boys want any drink?

Jaune: U-Um I will just have water-

Qrow (Interrupts): Give him something very heavy and spicy.

Bartender shrugs and went to make some drinks for his customers, Jaune sigh at Qrow annoy that the man is doing a lot for him.

Qrow: Oh come on kid cheer up, you don't want to be upset for the rest of your life.

Jaune: I don't that is why I wanted to take my life earlier but you didn't let me.

Qrow (sigh): Look I know what happened sucks, believe me you're not the first person to-

Jaune: be humiliated in front of every student in Remnant? Doing chorus for someone that you absolutely despise? Being abandoned from those you thought were your friends but instead just leave you behind and didn't care about your well-being?

Qrow: Well...when you put it like that...I guess...

Drunken man: Argh! You kids spill my drink!

Qrow and Jaune turn around to see a tall buff man with a deep temper furious at Russel, Dove and Sky for spilling his drinks by dancing on the table to which now they wish that didn't happened.

Russel: L-Look I'm sorry, we didn't mean to spill your drink!

Drunken man: Oh you kids are about to get it now!

As they were backing up Dove notice an empty bottle to he quickly got and threw straight at the drunken man but it didn't do anything and just made the guy pull out an axe that was a size of a Beowulf, everyone were leaving the bar and start running away but there was nowhere else for Dove, Russel or Sky to go as they were in a dead end.

Drunken man: Now I'm going to make sure that those skulls of yours will hang on my wall!

Sky: No wait please! Don't do this to us, please!

Drunken man were ready to his axe and kill them all by one but then he stop to see a blonde boy pushing his sword straight inside his left body

Drunken man: Pfft Hahahaha, you fool!

He use his fist and punches Jaune straight at the wall, Qrow get his scythe ready and the drunken man glares at him

Drunken man: You want to end up like that fool of a boy, go ahead and attack me right now!

Qrow: No I think we already took good care of you.

Drunken man: What, what are you talking about-

Sky, Russel and Dove come from behind and use their weapons to strike at the head to which they succeed and start continue to hit him to which they were done and they all left the tavern waiting for help to come by. Meanwhile Jaune were just sitting down on a log looking at his arm that felt in pain.

Jaune: Damn it...Why...

Qrow: Don't worry kid that arm will probably heal in no time.

Russel: Jaune, Why...Why did you...

Jaune thought about it to think why he saved them, there wasn't really a clear answer for him at all.

Jaune: I...I don't know, I don't really know why I save you guys....

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