Chapter one

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  The boys were all lazing around on cool Fall afternoon. It was the first time all week that they've all seen each other yet here they were, on the couch and the floor, playing games on their phones.

"Heyyyy~" a sudden bust open of the studio door was then heard. Although, the boys didn't even look up. The manager cleared his throat, "heyyyyy~" he repeats with enthusiasm. The boys finally look up from their phones in unison. They knew it was their day off so they didn't move a single muscle. "Hey." They all day back dryly.

"Wow.. I mean I know you guys are tired but.." he sniffs. "That hurts." He then gets over that quickly to hand out documents. "Here you go. Here's your scripts for your next episodes." He says, earning a sigh from some of the boys. Minhyuk just sits up, "hey! Why does everyone else get to be in a drama but I'm not??" He says with a pout. The manager looks over and just chuckles, "it's not just you! It's also Kihyun." He says while ruffling Minhyuk's hair like he's a little kid.

"I'm fine with that." Kihyun says while still on his phone.

"No fair! We should also be in one! I don't want people to miss out on my superb acting!" Minhyuk protests.

"I'm good." Kihyun says again, not looking away from his phone.

"Okay I'll work something out then Minhyuk! So don't worry you two!" He says happily before leaving.

"I said I was good??" Kihyun says, throwing his arms up.

"Then it's settled! We're also going to be in a drama and I will beat that manga looking boy!" Minhyuk points dramatically at Hyungwon who looks up innocently. "I thought we were friends." Hyungwon says quietly, his eyes sparkling like he was in a manga. "How do you do that?!" Minhyuk screeches.

"Do I really have no say in this?!" Kihyun sighs, and throws his phone at Minhyuk to finally get his attention. Minhyuk dramatically grabs his side and falls on the floor. Kihyun just looked down at him with a blank expression. After a few second of laying there, he gets up, "I'm a good actor right?" Minhyuk smiles charmingly. Everyone just rolls their eyes and sighs.

"Can you be quiet?? I'm watching power rangers!!" Jooheon whines, before pressing play again. "Go go power rangerssss." He sings quietly.

"Anyway.." Minhyuk says quieter to not disturb Jooheon's alone time. "I'm finally going to become the handsome male lead in a drama where I will have a beautiful female lead and-"

"Guys?" Minhyuk looks around to see all the members huddled around Jooheon's phone, even Kihyun. "I think I'm going to cry." Wonho says out loud while watching intently. "Oh my god." Minhyuk sighs.

                             ~Piece Of Cake~

"Mmm this cake is good. Strawberry?" Wonho munches, looking around at the table of his friends. "Read the room Wonho..." Changkyun whispers to him. Wonho then noticed and swallowed the cake in a big gulp. "Uh.. aha. So what's wrong Minhyuk?" He says, feeling like he felt the wave of a dark aura on him.

"I just told you!!! He still hasn't found a job for me. And you all have gotten even more popular from your dramas!" He sobs, about to slam his head on the table when Shownu quickly moves his plate of cake out of the way so Minhyuk didn't get a face full of cake.

The boys watch in surprise. "Um... come on Minhyuk you need to get out of this funk! You're doing great as is with the group?" Wonho tries to cheer him up.

"I think we ALL do things in a group." Minhyuk says, lifting his head up.

"Did I hear that from somewhere..?" Jooheon says quietly, rubbing his ear.

"You're being over dramatic." Kihyun rolls his eyes. "See?! That means I'm perfect!" He says, "why don't you want to be in one?"

"Well... I guess I wouldn't mind but.. I don't want to that badly."

The manager then walks into the cafe where they were seated, looking happier than ever. "Guess what!" He said with glee. "You're getting coffee on the house?" Hyungwon perks up. "Um.. no." He says, then looking over at Minhyuk who's head was on the table again. "I got you two acting jobs for a new web show! I just signed the contract so get ready!" Their manager gleams happily, while handing them the scripts.

The other members watched curiously as the boys suddenly screamed.

"THIS IS A BL!!" Both Minhyuk and Kihyun yelled.

The members stood up to look, and the manager took off his glasses and wiped them with his shirt. "O-Oh.. is that what it said? Oh dear." He nervously started sweating.

"Is there anyway you can go back on this?!" Kihyun says quickly.

The manager slowly shakes his head, "Sorry... um... I already signed the contract. When they said it was a romance I just assumed that you'd have girl love interests!! I also can't really see with these glasses..." he says nervously.

Minhyuk frantically went through the pages. "I wanted to be the male lead!! Not have another male lead as my love interest!!"

"Um... CHECK PLEASE?" Wonho calls out loud to a waitress.

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