Chapter Two

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The air that Dean had let out to speak into Cas's ear as he led him in, made the escort's skin tickle and a muffled gasp escaped his mouth.

Dean tried the doorknob to make sure the door was closed and, when he turned, he found Cas looking around the room. Dean had forgotten about the clothes on the floor and, to be honest, if it was someone else there, he'd just shrug it off... but it was Cas there and the apology was ready on his lips, the smirk on the guy's mouth made him cut his own words, though.

"Please tell me the cleaning lady's not one of your fantasies... I haven't brought my french maid's costume with me ..." Cas amusedly said, coming closer to Dean to the point where their mouths were almost touching. "So, big shot, what's your plan for the night?"

Two minutes, only two minutes had passed since he met this angel in the flesh and he already felt his world being turned upside down by this marvelous shining soul. Dean forgot all about his clothes on the floor, the daze of alcohol in his head and the lock on the door. He was well aware of the way his hands were shaking, his skin burning in need to be touched, his heart ready to explode... he cleared his throat, trying to find his voice again. Without taking his eyes off those deep blue eyes, he asked, "ehm, would you like something to drink?"

Cas took a step back, smirking coyly and shaking his head in a slight move, "Sorry, love, but I don't drink on the job. It... impedes my judgement and that," he took a step closer once again, only shorter this time, "that can be dangerous..." Cas let out a hand to cup Dean's face and tracing his thumb over Dean's cheekbone, he mischievously licked his lips and said, "I could drink from your mouth, though." he closed the gap between them and kissed Dean softly on closed lips.

Dean went rigid. Of course he knew that that thing happening there was long time due, but he made the call while intoxicated and his mind was a swirl of torrid gay porn images. Now the shock of reality, that warm body merely a few millimeters from his... oh god those lips on his, manly lips... it was... was...

A flash to the past that lasted less than a Planck unit showed Rick's face and all the anguish, all the feelings and desire that he had locked up so long ago, rushed to the surface. He allowed himself a millisecond of grieve for that thing with Rick that hadn't been and then shook his head and made his final decision. No way in hell was he going to lose this too.

He surged forward, crushing his lips onto Cas' in a kiss that was anything but chaste. His hands searching blindly for the escort's shoulders, and finally... finally made him close the tiny gap between their bodies.

The kiss was a mess of lips and tongues, discoordinated and intuitive... from both parts. That seemed to struck on the escort, if the sounds coming from the man's throat were any indication. Dean was sure Cas should be used to this, to be a convenient body for his clients to use, but his actions told otherwise. Those hands roaming his body, that mouth eating him alive, the way their bodies fit together...

"So, rubber... which one you like best?" Cas asked with some difficulty, trying to catch his breath.

"Emm, dunno, really... don't you have something textured?" Dean required, half joking out of embarrassment.

Cas left out a chuckle, "First timer, uh? Textured condoms are a risky choice for anal sex... it could break and... well, you get the picture. I can offer you some flavoured ones for oral sex and I think I still have a couple of lubed ones here somewhere." he searched through his bag, taking some of its content and throwing the bag towards the bed on the other room.

A gasp escaped Dean's mouth as he felt Cas' hand unbuckling his belt, their noses touching, breathing each other's air and staring intensely into one another. The button went out of the way in a second and, winking, Cas unbuttoned Dean's shirt and took it out in a practiced move. If Dean had to be honest, he missed those lips the second they left his to mouth over his chin and neck, Dean's chest started to move up and down in a pace that reflected his excitement when he realized Cas was going on his knees... it was a sudden move and the slacks went down with it, as if the escort was hungry for flesh.

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