The tension is thicc

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"Come on, I'm not going to go flirt with the cute fairy king. Just pry the answers I need from between his lips with the most efficient method I can come up with."

I'm not called a little shit for nothing. Teasing someone is a nice pass time, especially when that person is someone you know.

Wait. Let me revise that.

Especially when that someone is your fiance.

"I know you're going this to make me jealous Fluffy."

Teddy Bear turn his head away from me with a huff, crossing his arms as we continued to walk throughout the night.

I giggled.

"And I know it's working."

"I hate you."

I latched onto his arm with a smile, moving my hand up to ruffle his pretty red hair.

"I love you too bub. And your lovely red hair. I wanna smother myself in it sometimes. Dunno how I haven't done that yet."

Teddy still didn't seem very satisfied, choosing to not respond and keep his eyes off me. Hehehe, too bad I know how to play this game. Papa taught me that the best way to get someone's attention and affection is to annoy them with details specific to them.

Take aunty Diane for example, mister fairy boy always mentions how beautiful she is to him.

She's already insecure about how guys view her because of her height.

"Bet you said that to Gloxinia too."

Oh, he jealous now. I smirked and held onto his arm tighter. Funny thing, I've never really noticed how built Teddy Bear is till now. Like he could snap my neck if I were a normal person with unsettling ease.

Maybe I should come up with a new nickname for him, something more macho.

Big bear?

Yeah, no.

I'm sticking to Teddy Bear.

"Maybe. Looks like I've got a thing for red heads with long hair. It's a genetic thing, I swear."

Teddy Bear didn't seem too pleased with my answer, unconsciously flexing his arm to show off to me. Ok, I might be having a little too much fun with this.

"Princess Elizabeth has silver hair."

"Oho my good fiance, that fact is true, but- "

I raise my pointer finger matter of factly, the smirk on my face growing exponentially.

"Miss Rusty has long hair, and if the memory of my interrogations serves me correctly, the woman he was with before her was a red head. Genetic."

"Sure, and my eyes are black."

Aw, he's like hecka mad right now. Now I feel kinda bad.

"Calm your gorgeous tiddies. I may be a flirt, but I'm a loyal flirt. I'm not leaving you unless you give me a reason."

For extra affect, a lean up on my sorta tippy toes, I dunno what the part of the foot before the toes is called but its that, and kiss him right on the lips!

My stomach was doing the I don't know how the function properly thing but Teddy Bear seemed happy with the turn of events.

A light blush brushed across his cheeks, before a smirk came onto his lovely face.

He looked down at me before he stopped walking, making my steps come to a halt in the process. I had a feeling, I couldn't tell you what of, but it made me kinda jumpy, like excited jumpy.

Like the kinda excited jumpy when Papa gives me my favorite candies!

Teddy Bear didn't look like he was giving candy though. He turned to me with a look in his eyes that made my heart go boom boom.

He used his left hand to grab my chin, his thumb ghosting over my lips, whilst his other hand grabbed me by waist and pulled me in closer to him.

I see where this is going and my heart doesn't know how to deal.

It's all fun and games until the flirt's superiority is challenged!

"If you're gonna kiss me, then do it right"

And with that, my brain did a whole mental facility reset and I think I lost my last brain cell.

My conciousness spontaneously came back when I felt something slightly moist and pliable on my lips.

To say I could think properly would be a complete and utter lie!



"You're really just gonna kiss Noren like that? How shameful ~."

I pulled away from the heated kiss, ahhhhhh saying that makes me wanna curl up in a ball and die, and whip my head towards the familiar voice.

Gloxinia was flying like 10 feet away from us and my brain was short circuiting.

Like dude, my old basically husband sees me kissing my new fiancee? I think a rain check is in order. Scratch that, I think I fried my brain.

Teddy Bear pulled in me as close as he could could get, caging me in his arms and glaring down Gloxinia with what can I only assume to be a burning challenge of she's my girlfriend.

Gloxinia huffed, waving off Teddy Bear with an uninterested look on his face.

"Calm down lover boy, I'm not looking for a fight. You guys came here to learn about the past no?"

Teddy Bear nodded.

"Then follow me, I'll take you to the place where Drol and I are staying."

"Why should we trust you?"

Teddy Bear was reasonably suspicious but I'm a risk taker so, I threw a hand over his mouth and told Gloxinia to lead the way.

What's the worse that could happen?


The answer is death.

"Lead the way pretty fairy!"

Gloxinia was happy to lead us, using his magic to quite literally lift us in the air and drag us behind him to speed up the process.

It might take awhile so I'll take a nap.

"Wake me up when we get there!"

"You're going to sleep- "

"Can't hear you I'm unconscious."

"Then how are you talking?"

"I'm sleep talking, now shush."

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