Family reunion but with spice

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"Cuddle me!"


I nodded my head like the toddler I am on the inside. Of course I want more cuddles! I need some form of payment for using up most of my magic for navigation!

"I expect a big cuddle too!"

Teddy Bear wasn't opposed to his necessary action, quickly squeezing me against his chest with a small huff.

He thinks I can't see it, but he has a bit of a smile on his face.

"Hmm, you really love cuddles." He gave me a peck to the forehead.

What he didn't know is that I can sap his energy through cuddling, aka, body contact. I never take more than like 5%, nothing noticable.


The process has no long term negative effects. Besides, I can only get so much energy from food.

Taking energy directly from another lifeform is more pure.

Especially if you have a close relationship with that other lifeform! That's why it's so effective for me to take some from Teddy Bear!

I don't do this regularly so it's fine.

"Yep! I'm a physical person! Talking isn't my strong suit."

As much as I can talk with someone, I like it when I don't have to. You know, being able to just chill with someone and not have to say anything?

Its the best kind of relationship!

"We're almost at the capital right? Have you been able to feel any other presences beside ours?"

Good gosh, it's almost been 5 days already?

We really could've done the trip in about 2 - 3 days, but since we had to rely on my magic to correctly navigate the various tunnels it took more time than we would've liked.

I had to get proper rest, if I didn't, well bad things can happen.

This happened when I teleported away from Papa on the night of that ball. Due to my sleep deprived state, I had randomly teleported us to the middle of nowhere.

That was probably the best outcome of that situation.

I could've accidentally vaporized the both of us!

Magic is dangerous kids!

Do not try to do any without the supervision of an experienced magician!

"Its hard to say ... " I scratched my head, trying to put the words together in a cohesive sentence.

"I can differentiate between humans and other species. But I have no doubt your family had a spell casted to conceal their presence. You're a family with a high magic stat, so it's a wee bit difficult to collectively sense their presence."


That made me sound more intelligent than I actually am!

If only Papa could see me now!

Teddy Bear seemed a bit bummed so I kissed him! It's a tested and proven fact that you kiss a boo boo to make it better faster!

I would kiss Papa's boo boos, even when they were literal gaping wholes in his body!

But I think a kiss on the lips is a more effective method that I shall only use on Teddy Bear!

It'd be weird if I did that on anyone else ...

I was raised to be a tiddy lover (really any part of the body is supposed to be worshipped according to Papa)

But not a cheater!

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