[book 1] chapter thirty-six: election day

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    Although that was both, mortifying and disgusting that she knew, I was surprised. All this time when I thought Mom was in the dark she knew about almost everything, yet she chose to keep quiet about it. I felt an overwhelming amount of guilt for all of the hurtful things I had said to her.

    "I didn't tell you about your father because I knew you idolized him and I didn't want to ruin your image of him," she continued, as if the guilt I was filled with wasn't enough. "You don't think I know how much you prefer him over me? When I found out you visited him I was so scared you were going to leave."

    When I heard the slightest falter in her voice it broke my heart. I felt like the shittiest daughter as she sprung this information on me. Had I known how she felt I wouldn't have reacted in such a way, but regardless I was out of line.

    "Mom." I sighed. "God, I'm so sorry for everything I said. I was being stupid and immature, and I didn't mean any of it."

    "Don't," Mom warned when she saw the tears welling up in my eyes. "Parker women are tough, we don't cry."

    "Not even just this once?" I asked, my voice getting heavy from the sob I was holding back. I looked up at Mom to see a single tear slide down her face. Without a second thought I wrapped my arms around her, freezing when I felt her stiffness in response. Slowly, Mom hugged me back, stroking my hair soothingly.

    "Daniella." Her voice cracked as she spoke. "I really am sorry. For everything."

    I shook my head, my snot staining her expensive blouse as the tears flowed freely from my eyes. "I'm sorry too, Mom. I was out of line with you and I shouldn't have said any of those things. You've done so much for us I don't even know where to start." I took in a deep breath, my throat getting heavy and my palms growing clammy. "I love you."

    The silent tension was so thick I could cut through it with a steak knife. Finally, after a moment she uttered the words I'd been yearning to hear for far too long. "I love you too, Dani."


    After our much needed heart to heart, Mom went to do some last minute campaigning before the mayor polls closed tonight. It was crazy how fast time flew. The elections that felt like they would never come were finally here. Today was voting day, and the results were supposed to be revealed later tonight. Mom had managed to use my incident to host a press conference about the importance of policies and bylaws to reduce violence and theft in Stone Creek. I hated to admit it, but it was a damn smart campaigning tactic to secure last minute votes. While she was off doing that, my brothers came to pick me up.

    "Here we are, Daniella." The perky nurse from yesterday stopped my wheelchair in front of Niko's car.

    "I got her." 

    Brenton threw me over his shoulder like a sac of potatoes and plopped my body in the backseat. Niko thanked the nurse as Brenton strapped me in and took his place in the passenger seat. Thankfully Mom brought me a change of clothes before she left so I was able to take off the hospital gown, though the shimmery dress she brought wasn't exactly my top five preferences for post-hospital outfits. I couldn't say I was surprised considering my brothers were dressed in suits which had to have been Mom's doing. If she won tonight there would be countless photos being taken and I doubted she'd want any of us getting snapped in our normal Mom-disapproved attire.

    "How'd it go with Mom?" Niko asked, breaking the silence as he drove.

    A small smile tugged at my lips. "It went well."

    Brenton snorted. "That's a first."

    "Shut up." Niko peered at me through the rearview mirror. "We got what you asked for."

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