[book 2] chapter twenty-eight: the rehearsal dinner

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THE NIGHT OF the rehearsal dinner had finally arrived, and I was nervous as hell

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THE NIGHT OF the rehearsal dinner had finally arrived, and I was nervous as hell. I had invested so much time and energy to plan this, I was hoping tonight would be nothing shy of perfect. Since the bride and groom were spending the night in the Seychelles Banquet and Hotel where the dinner was happening, Vanessa booked us a swanky room to get ready and save driving time.

I had just finished doing my makeup and was fastening pins in my straightened hair to keep it tucked behind my ears all night. For my outfit, I had decided on a blush pink jumpsuit with a tie-around bow in the front. It had long fitted sleeves, and the jumpsuit clung to my body perfectly. The only issue was the plunging neckline which I didn't mind, but I was hoping I could slip out of here before Brenton saw it. I was in the middle of putting on my heels when he walked in.

Brenton stepped into the room, paying me no mind as he adjusted his cuffs. "Dan, what time is din... You're not wearing that."

"Not this again," I groaned. "You can't keep telling me what to wear, baby b—"

"Seventeen motherf—"

"Whatever," I dismissed. "I'm already stressed as is, and I don't need the cleavage police making it worse.

"Fine," he succumbed. "But if anyone—"

"Stares at me too long you'll kill them. Yeah, yeah, I've heard this speech before."

"You're lucky I care for you," he snarled. "Ungrateful bitch."

"You're the best baby brother, Willy!"

"You promised you'd stop calling me that," he whined.

"It's not like anyone heard," I said with a wave of my hand.

"Dani, it's time to go downstairs," Alex said, peeking his head in the room. "You too, Willy."

"I'm going to murder you in your sleep," Brenton growled.


By the time we entered the banquet hall most of the guests were already there. I glanced around the space, pleased with how everything looked. Guests chatted among themselves while soft music played in the background, and servers were walking around offering small samples of food to everyone. Everything was perfect... Well, almost everything.

In any other situation, I would have paid no attention to Leila's table, except that my boyfriend was sitting beside her. I marched up to their table and was greeted with a smile from the she-devil herself.

"The dinner's about to start," she said. "Shouldn't you go get dressed?"

"Leila," James warned. He stood up and kissed my cheek. "You look absolutely incredible."

While I would have loved for my boyfriend to continue showering me with compliments, I was more fixated on why he was sitting at Leila's table. My question was answered when I saw his name card on the table.

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