[book 2] chapter forty-four: old habits

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I STORMED INTO the hotel, not sparing a glance to anyone as I made a beeline for my suite

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I STORMED INTO the hotel, not sparing a glance to anyone as I made a beeline for my suite. An attendant walked past me with a stack of towels, so I grabbed one to wrap around me although it was too late. I had a water trail behind me all the way to the pool. I patted the towel against my hair to soak up the water after I pressed the button for the elevator, waiting for the doors to open. After a few moments, I heard a ding sound, so I stepped inside. I was minding my own business, drying my hair, when I saw James running toward the elevator. I pressed the button repeatedly to close the doors, but it was no use because he managed to get in. The stupid doors closed once he was already inside, but I paid no attention to him as I pressed the button to my floor.

"Are you done pretending like I'm not here?" he asked.

"What do you want?" I demanded as I continued to dry my hair.

I didn't even have to look at James to know he was amused. "Is someone mad?"

"I'm glad you find my anger so entertaining."

The doors opened and I stepped out, marching to my suite. I increased my speed to get to my suite before he could, but it was no use because when I unlocked the door, he trailed in behind me.

"You're trespassing. Get out."

"You're jealous," he mused, ignoring my orders.

I threw the towel on the ground and turned to face him. "So what if I am?"

He didn't say anything so I continued speaking.

"The breakup killed me and I honestly don't think I'll ever get over you, but by all means, continue to fool around with that stuck-up bitch who—"

I never finished my thought because James kissed me.

I instantly pulled away and pushed his chest. "What the hell?"

He shot me an innocent look. "You were jealous so I figured—"

"What, that you'd kiss me and all would be fine?"

He rubbed the back of his neck. "Kind of."

I rolled my eyes. "Maybe you should have thought of that before... Stop moving closer," I warned. James was standing way too close for comfort, and it took all of my willpower to not close the distance between us.

"You can say whatever you'd like, but we both know you don't believe a damn word," he said in a low voice.

"So what, you suggest we hook up and it'll magically fix all of our problems?" I scoffed.

"Yes," he said in an affirmative tone. "That is exactly what I am suggesting."

If I was about ten percent more impulsive, I would have leapt on him right this instant, but I couldn't. We couldn't keep falling back into this habit of hooking up and then pretending nothing happened. If we kept this up we would never get over each other, and with James leaving soon I couldn't take the chance of another heartbreak.

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