[book 1] chapter thirty-three: i commit my third felony

Start from the beginning

    The door opened just enough for me to hear the voice on the other side. "Are you lost, kid?"

    "I'm here for the pickup," I said in a flat tone, my fear getting replaced by annoyance.

    "You're not Hastings," he said in a gruff voice.

    "James sent me on his behalf," I lied.

    The man was quiet as he thought over what I said. "What's the code?"

    I glanced down at my phone to see my text messages where the sender sent me the password to tell the person behind the door. "She sells sea shells by the sea shore." Who even came up with this? Again, I had to remind myself to hold my tongue and save all comments for the end when my life wasn't on the line.

    The door opened wider and the man pushed out three giant boxes. I didn't question what was in there but judging by the look on his face, whatever it was, it sure seemed heavy as hell. I led him to my jeep and opened the trunk so he could put them inside. I expected a bye or something, but after finishing the man swiftly returned back to the warehouse.

    "Goodnight to you too," I grumbled as I walked over to the front. I sat inside and strapped my seatbelt on before inputting the new location. I pulled out of the lot and started my drive to the drop-off site.

    My heart banged against my ribcage as I drove, my mind drifting to possible things that were in that box. Who knew, maybe they were just innocent little vitamin C caplets? Or maybe it was something more illicit... I gulped nervously as I drove, my palms getting sweatier by the second. So far it was going well but I had no idea what to expect when I arrived at the site. While the man I just dealt with was part of the group James worked for, I didn't know how the consumers would react to seeing a teenage girl drop off their goods.

    As my GPS instructed me to turn, I heard the audible buzzing of my phone. While I didn't condone texting and driving, I was concerned it might be a text from the person giving me the information so once I stopped at a red light I grabbed my phone from the passenger seat and glanced at the notification. Needless to say the text wasn't from them, rather it was from a certain ex-whatever of mine.

    If you're doing what I think you're doing you better turn around right now.

    Oh, so now he unblocked my number? Two could play that game. I turned off my phone and threw it back in its place, not bothering to reply to his message. How convenient that James suddenly cared for me, but I didn't doubt he was more concerned about the fifty grand than my wellbeing. He was probably just worried I'd somehow screw things up so he decided so very kindly to unblock my number, probably not even bothering to listen to all the voicemails I had left.

    I continued driving, questioning why the hell I was even putting myself through this for a guy who gave zero shits about me. I must have been speeding to release my anger because I arrived at the location a solid fifteen minutes sooner than my GPS had predicted. A shiver ran down my spine as I entered what appeared to be a junkyard. This junkyard was nothing compared to the furniture warehouse before this. In fact, it made the warehouse seem like a McDonald's PlayPlace compared to this creepy wreck.

    The text said to drop it off where the broken cars where, specifically in the trunk of the red truck. I continued driving until I spotted the cars, my eyes landing on a rusty maroon truck. It wasn't the epitome of red but it was close enough. I slipped my phone in my back pocket and slowly got out of the car as I walked to the trunk. I swung open the door and lifted one box, my legs wobbling like no tomorrow from how heavy it was. I groaned as I carried the box to the truck, my hands unable to stop shaking. I propped the box as gently as I could in the trunk, letting out a sigh as I wiped the sweat off my forehead with the back of my hand. I repeated this with the second box and then the third, my hands completely numb by the time I was done. The message with instructions I had received gave me a number to text when I was done unloading the boxes so I sent them a message of the special password I was given.

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