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Requested by ShrekClavical

Pretend Shayne, Damien, and Keith are juniors. kimmy and Olivia are sophomores. Court and Noah are freshman. Ian is in college so he inst a part of the story.

I stared past the lockers at someone.

A boy that has me infatuated with him.

Damien Haas.

He was standing with his friends Shayne and Keith. Soon a boy in my grade, Noah Grossman, goes over to them. They all chat as I just stare at Damien.

Most people think Damien is weird but I think he's amazing.

"Hey court! What are you doing?" I hear my Sophmore friend, Olivia Sui, ask me. I whip my head to her, standing up straight.

"N-Nothing!" I assure her. She looks past me and sighs.

"Do you have a crush on Shayne or Noah or something?" She asks giving me a stink eye.

"No! I don't like either of them." I yell at her and cross my arms.

"Well then who were you staring at?" She asks and gets a little in my face.

"Okay don't think I'm weird," I sigh, "I kinda like Damien."

"WHAT!?" She exclaims. I put my hands over her mouth, shushing her.

"Be quiet! I don't want anyone else to know."

"Isn't he the weird kid who likes anime?" She asks quietly and joins me to stare at the small group of boys.

"Yeah but I think it's cute. And he's cute. And he's really funny! And I've heard from Kimmy that he is the nicest person ever!" He says to her with a smile.

"God you're in love."

"Well how did you and Sam get together? I need help Liv!" I whine at her.

"He asked me. I don't know how to do that kind of stuff. Maybe next time you see Noah ask him. Him and his girlfriend are going strong right now." She replies with a laugh. I sigh and nod.

"I'll keep an eye out for him."

It was English class now. Noah's in this class, so I might try to talk to him.

We are pretty close because Him, Olivia, Keith, Kimmy and I all sit together at lunch. Shayne sits with us sometimes, but is usually with Damien, whom I have no recollection of meeting.

When the teacher gave us the last couple minutes of class to ourselves I went over to him.

"Hey Noah, can I talk to you?" I ask.

"Yeah wassup Court?" He replies and faces me.

"So I've been having some struggles with relationship type stuff. And your in a great relationship so I wanted advice I guess." I said sitting down in the empty seat next to him.

"Well what kinda stuff do you need help with?"

"Well... please don't tell anyone okay?" I demand of him and he nods.

"I kinda have a crush on Damien. And I don't know what to do. Cause we don't really know eachother but I want to ask him out but also I'm scared to cause he's older." I say. Then I realize that was the most high school girl thing I could've ever said.

"Okay first off, calm down." I nod and take a breath. "Second off I can introduce you to him. Third just do it. If he doesn't like you then it's his loss. He should at least give it a try and if he doesn't then he doesn't deserve your time." He says to me with a smile, patting my shoulder.

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