Try Outs

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The week passed quickly enough. I went to classes, ate, studied, practiced quidditch when I could. I had also started working with Harry on various things related to Dad. So far it's just been Ancient Greek and basic powers.

On Saturday morning Harry Ron and I all woke up early and met Hermione in the common room. After a quick breakfast we head down to the quidditch pitch were a few other people were already waiting.

Over the last week Harry has let me practice on his nimbus 2000 some as well as the school brooms, so today I rode his broomstick.

When Oliver Wood walked onto the pitch my nerves began to rise. The other 3 people trying out had likely been flying for years, and I had just learned this week.

Time skip- after try outs

Honestly I think I did pretty good, but I still don't think I was the best. I'd like to think I'll make it, but really I'm not expecting much right now.


After the try outs the team stayed behind and talked for a few minutes then headed back to the castle. I waited till Oliver was the only one left before going up to him.

"So what are you thinking?" I ask the older boy.

He sighs, "Harry your brother was great, but not the best. I want to give him a chance I really do, but we are already loosing our best chaser this year, so I can't afford to pick anyone besides the best."

"Williams is the one who's better than him right?" He nods (just made Williams up so just go with it) "he's a sixth year?" Nod, "and how many times has he tried out?"

"Every time a chaser position was open for the last 5 years," he tells me honestly.

"Has he improved in 5 years?"

Oliver sighs again, "Harry-"

"Just answer the question, please"

"No, not really."

I nod, "And he's not in the same level as the girls correct?" Oliver nods. "So after 5 years he hasn't improved. So you want to replace our best chaser with someone below the others even after practices get for 5 years?"

"Harry he's better then Percy. He's my best option right now,"

"No he's not!" I demand.

"And why is that? Because you're brother is the alternative?" He replies in an equally demanding tone.

"No! Because after 5 plus years of practice he is only slightly better than Percy. And you wanna know how long Percy has practiced. You want to know how long it's been since he picked up a broom for the very first time? A week! One week! That day we talked to you in the great hall was the first time he had ever rode a broom!"

Oliver stopped walking. I turn to face him.

"You have seen what he learned in a week playing with me as a chaser and Ron as keeper. Imagine how much he could improve after practicing with the girls, and you. We still have weeks before the first match, he can do this. By the time of the first match he will be able to fly circles around Williams, and keep up with the girls with ease." I looked into the older boy's eyes, pleading. "Please Oliver. Just give him a chance."

Oliver sighed and ran his hand through his hair. "One week?"


He took a deep breath and turned in a circle. "I told you I want your brother for the team. Clearly it's in your blood."

I nod, "And, in an actual game how different would the scores be between having Percy or Williams?"


"And our of all 4 teams which seeker has the best record?" I ask with a smirk.


"So who can do everything he can to win the game fast so that the 20-50 point difference will not matter?" I continue.



Oliver smirks, "Ok. I'm not guaranteeing it, but there is a chance."

I jump up and pump my fist. "Thank you Oliver!"

"I'm blaming you if we loose because of him!"

"I know you will. You won't regret this!" I tell him. He laughs and i run off toward the castle.

Time skip- Sunday morning.

"Percy, wake up!" I mutter as a shove my brother's shoulders.

"Harry? Why so early?" Percy slurred.

"Wood posted the quidditch results. Thought you would want to know either way before everyone else," I say as he sits up squinting.

"Yeah thanks." For a moment he didn't move, just sat there and stared. Then like a zombie he slowly got up and walked out of the room, not even saying anything else to me.

I followed Percy down to the common room. We were both in nothing but our pajamas, but not many people were up.

We head over to the notice board and look for the try outs results.

"I made it," Percy muttered.

He slowly turned to face me. "I actually made it," he's voice was quiet, and still kinda sleepy, but joyful. "I can't believe it."

I laugh and shove him playfully. "Good job man. Now there are two sets of twins on the Gryffindor quidditch team"

Percy smirked, "I feel sorry for whoever has to announce the games."

I laugh too, "Yeah typically it's Lee Jordan. He's Fred and George's best friend so he can figure it out will enough. And hopefully he'll be able to tell the difference between a seeker and a chaser."

"That's true," Percy started to walk back towards the stair case leading up to our room.

"Where you going?" I ask.

"Back to bed," he said while rubbing his face.

I laugh, "of course you are"

Howdy y'all

The pacing of this chapter felt really weird and it's short, but it's better than nothing so here ya go.

As always please comment and vote

(I'm sorry for any grammar and spelling mistakes)


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