The Unknown

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Welcome back Commanders, Generals and Captains. . .? What your gonna see now is the new footage from the ARCHE. So be prepared . . .i think, im not really sure what im doing with my life anymore. . .you know. . . jsut have fun. . .okay? good.

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- Narrators POV -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

As soon as the Arche hit the Black Hole and got Consumed it appeared out of nowhere in another Place. Where it was? Who knows? The Arche was just staying still in Place where it but slowly got attracted from the Gravity of the Earth.

As it got faster and faster the Heat that formed at the front of the Ship was immense but this Ship here was made for those Situations. After all it was supposed to be the one with that another Galaxy could be conquered.

As it broke trough the Clouds and shortly after it made contact with the water wher it stayed for a while but then sunk . 

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- ARC - 01 -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

When the ARCHE touched the Water and then slowly sunk. All Systems rebooted automatically and the AI started too. 

My Projection showed up. "System rebooting succesfull." I looked down at my Hands and then around the Room i was in. It seemed like the Core of the Ship with mine directly in it too.

I walked to the Bridge where i hoped i could atleast find one of the Crewmembers or even just one of the Passengers. When i stood before the Door from the Bridge i didnt really have a good feeling. 

I opened it and looked around me. The Windows still had the Barricades that would automatically deploy as soon as the Ship takes damage or the AI, me would get the Command to do so. 

I released them and was in awe. It seemed like i was Unerwater. . . Interesting. I changed the Ship to its Submarine Mode and opened all of the Important Statistics. 

"Everything seems fine so far. Thats good." Altough i was confused to why i didnt get dematerialized by the Balck Hole i still had more important things to do. I looked to the Radar that was installed. It was originally made for better Safety in Space, but could be useful here too. 

I started to put more thrust into the Engines. Soon afterwards we were already at the Surface. This Place. It looked familiar. But everything was wierd right now. I mean i have a god fking damn Human Form. I should be an AI not a Creature with Flesh and Blood. 

Just as i was about to start the Thrusters again i picked something up on my radar. It wasnt going that fast, and was still 40 Kilometres away. But i couldnt be sure enough.

"Unidentified Object please come in." I would atleast try to make normal Contact. If it even was Possible. "Unidentified Objext please come in. I repeat please come in." Doesnt seem like its going to respond for a while. 

I walked to the upper deck of the ARCHE. The whole Ship now was only about 1.7km long and 300m wide. 

-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:- 5 Minutes later -:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-:-

"Unidentified Aircraft, state your Situation, i repeat please respond and state your Situation or i have to identfie you as an Enemy" 

Like before i waited agan but as i alwys i only heard a Static and the Objects that i identified as  Aircrafts were only coming closer. 

"This is the Last Warning ple-. . . . " As soon as i saw that he fired what seemed like a Missile i turned all my Anti Air against the 17 Aircrafts which were now only about 7km away. 

"Dont tell me i didnt warn you." With that i fired 10 of my Anti Air Missiles which after 10 Seconds hit theyre Targets. The now only about 2km away Aircrafts started firing what seemed to be theyre whole Arsenal. 

I just activated my  CIWS and they did theyre Job perfectly Eliminating all of the Missiles. I shouldnt be liking the Sound of the as much as i do. But i didnt care. The BRZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZT was way to cool.

Just as i was about to go underdeck and let my AA do the rest everything around me turned into cubes. "WHAT THE FUUUUU-" I felt an immense Pain from my Back and saw why. "I shouldnt be suprised about what is happening here." When my whole Ship was gone i saw what happened. 

How did the Humans back then called these Things. "Shipentity?. . .No. Entitygirly. No thats also wrong." I was about to give up when i remebered that i have a Databank with way to many Shit. 

And i actually found it. "Shipgirls. . . what means that im a Shipboy? Shipman since im opposite Gender. Hey this is actually interesting." But . . .how do i transform it. "well lets just leave it there for now." 

I scanned for any Land nearby. (75km) When i found a small one just some Kilometres away from here i drectly set course on i- . . . "I forgot i cant use the Autopilot anymore." Why did i have to change into this. . .Form at this damn moment. 


That was it for now. Ihope you somewhat liked it. Its just a try on this Type of Story. Maybe there are gonna be Updates but dont get hyped please.

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